A Phase

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"There you are. I knew you would come here when I call so," Ashtem warmly said as Norman closed the door behind him. The man was currently at his desk, which was in the far back.  He gestured to the visitor's chair facing his desk. "Sit down, Gold Eye." 

Norman looked at Ashtem for a moment, his eyes on the man's emotionless look. That look could intimidate even the bravest men in the Snake Pit. Not like it revealed what Ashtem's head looked like, anyway. "Of course, sir." he pulled out the chair, and took a seat on front of him. "What will we be talking about?" 

"I have plenty of things I have in mind," Ashtem smoothly said, resting his head on his knuckles. 

Right. That could mean anything, Norman guessed. It could be Beyblade, or perhaps about what Silver Eye wanted to say about Boa. Or it could be about Ashtem's supposed confession. So many possibilities, and so few ways for him to handle this. And it was almost a surprise that Norman's head did not split open yet.

And it doesn't help that the person on front of him is Ashtem. Meaning, there will probably be doom and danger and not-so-happy things. 

Ashtem must have noticed his awkward silence, and frowned. "I hope you're in the mood of talk. I guess we could try tomorrow or in a couple days, if you do want to be excused from this." 

"I think I can manage. You know I'm not a weak person, Ashtem," Norman responded, clenching his fist a little. This might end up as an awkward mistake, but it's probably best to get over it. 

"Good. I would have tossed you out if you were like that, but I can make an exception," Ashtem smirked from his seat, drumming his fingers with one hand. "So, how should we start our discussion? Anything you have in mind?" 

"Boa. Where is he?"

His leader frowned yet again. "Boa. Of course, he's somehow on your mind. It's quite unfortunate." 

"Is there something wrong about thinking of others here?" Or at least, others who end up in your hands.

"Not at all, Gold Eye. I'm fine with my Bladers thinking of things that make them happy, or think of some allies they gained here. Then again, those are not high priorities." 

Norman only stared harder from under his mask. "Where is Boa? Is he in trouble?" 

Ashtem stopped his drumming. "Trouble. That's quite an understatement, since what he did could be dangerous. It seems as if Boa dared to put some poison in your mind."

Poison in my mind? Boa isn't much of a silvertongue for that. Norman's throat felt like clogging up a bit, though he stood his ground and managed to relax. There was no reason Boa would need to do such thing. Betrayal against the Snake Pit seemed impossible for many to attempt. 

"There's no such thing. Besides, he's only a kid. And he had only been here for quite a short time," Norman tried to explain, but suddenly found himself unable to continue.

Instead, Ashtem decided to fill in the gaps with the opposite. "Of course he didn't plan to go against the entire Snake Pit, if that's what you're trying to say. But rather, he tried to paint me as some monster. He tried to ensure that you would avoid me, it seems." 

"How do you know all this? It's not like you have secret microphones or cameras within the littlest areas of the Snake Pit."

"I'm a little surprised you haven't guessed by now, Gold Eye. I have Silver Eye, my other co-leader. Not only is he great at disciplining children, but he's also great at keeping an eye and ear out for suspicious activity. I know I can rely on him."


It was that bastard.

At the same time, Norman felt like he had no reason to be surprised. But seriously? How could Silver Eye find Norman during this really unsettling time period? 

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