Family Talk

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Woohoo, an early update because I was bored and I wanted to write this scene. Lol. 

"Listen up! It's time to gather around," Norman's father was banging pots and pans rather noisily, as his mother was setting now food. "It's dinner and we have a family gather to do. It's about something really important." 

His sister was sitting at the seat next to him, looking up at their mother with an alarmed expression. "Mom, am I in trouble?" she asked very loudly and piteously, which made Norman confused whether she was genuinely scared or not.

His mother looked down at her with a half-worried and half-hopeful expression. Her eyes blinked behind her glasses, and she shook her head. "I don't think you're in trouble, sweetie. I think it's something else."

"Sweet," she responded, and took out her phone. Instead of focusing on the dinner plate set for her, she was busy with her phone. "I wonder if it's a fun thing, then." 

"You think everything is fun. Life isn't fun, kid," Norman gave her the look, but she only giggled. Hopefully when she grows up in the next couple centuries, she'll get the idea. 

"Well, nothing is fun," his father still hadn't sat down in his set yet. He was taking the time to put the pots and pans down. "Because we have a really horrifying thing to talk about. She can cover her ears if she'd like to." he pointed at his sister. 

"I don't think she really needs to," his mother sat down, shaking her head. "Well, what are we going to talk about."

"We have an announcement. There is something horrifying about Norman." 

"Horrifying? With Norman in it? Did he do something wrong?"

"Not sure if it counts as wrong, but it could be potentially gross." 

"Potentially gross?" Cassie perked up from her seat. "Nothing is more gross than getting gravy on nail polish." she giggled again.

"Stop trying to joke," Norman told her, but she stuck a tongue out at him. "I'm serious. Stop it or else Dad will tie you to the chair. And then tape your mouth shut or something." That would be really funny, since the Greek Queen Cassie-something was imprisoned on her own throne. 

"Oh, he can shut me up but he can't take my phone. If he ties me up then I will wiggle out."

"Oh my gods, just stop. You sound like this stupid Blader in the Sn — where I live." 

His father slammed one fist onto the table. "Listen up! I have an important announcement here! Norman, our son, is gay!" 

Everyone was silent. His mother was the least shocked out of the household, but she followed the silence anyway. 

His sister was the first to respond. "...I don't think he's gay. I think he's weird on the inside and mean on the outside." was that a compliment or an insult? Norman could never understand what goes on inside her head. 

"You better not make this confusing. Or else," Norman whispered to her. "Dad is being loud for a reason."

"What else will you do? Paint my room purple?" she asked him. "I'm just being very very honest here. I also want to let you know that your heart has too many stripes on it, and that Noctemis thinks its concerning at the same time." she almost fell over her seat just by laughing, and Norman couldn't tell what is funny. "In short, I don't think you're gay."

"Yeah... maybe." he would try to tell his father that he isn't one-hundred percent gay. But then he might be accused as half-gay or bisexual, or whatever Scottish-esque insult his father comes up with.

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