Setting Up

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"Make sure you set up the table correctly," Theodore placed down all the tableware. "I wouldn't want such a nice table messed up, you know. All I'm asking from you is to set it up in a way that seems nice."

"Ugh. Chores," Norman muttered, watching as Theodore walked away. Now he knows how his parents (and all parents in general feel); no wonder they needed kids for such unbearable slave's work.

Once Theodore heard him, he turned around. "Excuse me?"

"Umm... nothing."

"Very well. Your father is coming here an hour later, so I'm expecting that you finish before then. An hour given to you should be enough, Norman. And in fact, you could probably finish it in around five minutes.." and with that, he didn't say anything else. Theodore just headed upstairs and left him there.

Norman sighed one more time before turning back to the table. It was a small, circular table; and it seemed to be only for up to four people. It was draped with long white cloth and had no stain whatsoever. Theodore had given him a couple teacups, plates, and silverware for him to set up. 

And well, Norman had never been a huge fan of tablework. He missed the simple days where he and his friends were allowed to eat in bed or some other odd place. And he would rarely be at the family dining table unless his father had an important announcement. To him, being sophisticated at the table was dead art; no one cared about being there. And to set up the table was a nightmare and boring thing to do. Some part of him was grateful that it wasn't the ending, though; washing the dishes and cleaning up the crumbs was even more terrifying.

Why can't he be back at the Snake Pit, where he was allowed to act like a kid? And act like he didn't have to do anything, actually.

And if this entire situation was actually Theodore's lesson on being an adult... yikes.

Norman decided to turn his head aside, feeling like someone was watching him dawdle. And not surprisingly, Theodore was there at the base of the staircase with his arms crossed. Instead of watching him with a smirk or emotionless expression, he seemed rather amused. 

"What are you so amused about?" Norman narrowed his eyes.

Theodore chuckled. "Nothing much. It's a little enjoyable just to see you try to work on chores. Looks like you haven't done much, either."

"What's the big idea here?"

"Say, you did so much to be a Blader and a high-ranking person in the Snake Pit. You would often obey my commands just for that spot. It's very amusing how as yourself, you tend to not do much."

What is this? A subtle lecture on how Norman is not a very good nineteen-year-old? 

Like he needed to know that. It was such an apparent fact, due to the many situations he got himself too. Theodore pretty much sounded like he thought all Bladers were young and stupid.

So, let's just drag someone else more stupid into this. Norman raised a brow, and asked, "There are people out there who rather not do any sort of thing at all." he pointed out. "There are some people like that, and can be stupid enough to do something else. Like, you know, Silver Eye."

Theodore came forward now, his eyes on the silverware Norman hadn't touched yet. "How many times have I told you, boy? Silver Eye has better work ethics than you. Though, I guess some people haven't grown fond of his humor and attitude yet." he mused.

"Well, if you like his attitude so much, then go date him instead of me. Let me go so I can find a pretty girl to love and hopefully smoke with."

"Hey, Norman. That is not a proper way to spend your love life. And luckily you have me teaching you wherever you go; it seems as if you need to learn a lot more about this world."

Here it is with the babying again. By gods, Theodore was old enough to his college teacher or something! 

And to little kids, he was old enough to be their father

He sighed out as he felt Theodore's hand tousling his hair gently. It felt both uncomfortable and good, like getting massaged. "Are you supposed to my teacher or...?"

"I can be whatever I want, actually. I'm so much, you know," Theodore joked, and Norman's head automatically went to Right, you are also Ashtem the child killer. Should I be concerned?

"If you can be anyone you want, I suggest you drop out on me and date Silver Eye. He seems to be better than me, anyway. Be someone proper." Well, that was a complete lie. Norman knew that he was definitely much better than the abnormal Blader. But some part of him wanted Theodore to choose Silver Eye instead of him.

Theodore pulled his hand away from his head slowly. "Norman... excuse me?" he looked rather offended, one brow raised. He gently took Norman by the hand, pulling him a little closer. "You know, I appreciate how you're quite mature at times. I do appreciate Silver Eye's unique attitude, but he can't replace you."

"Why do you like me, anyway?" 

Theodore didn't say anything that moment. All he did was gesture Norman to take a seat, as he decided to set up the table for him. Norman obeyed willingly, taking a seat with his gaze still on his lover. 

Finally, Theodore responded. Without looking at him, he said, "Did I not explain beforehand?"

"Not sure. I think I forgot."

"Silly you," he chuckled, setting down one teacup after another. "Perhaps that's what I like about you. You're pretty innocent somehow, and still young. Fun to order and tease with, even. You're old enough to be with me, but somehow have qualities of a child. It's pretty adorable."

"So, are you a pedophile?"

"Where did you get that idea from?" 

Hearing that response made Norman laugh out loud, not caring about keeping up his guard and stone look. The look on Theodore's face was somehow satisfying. He looked confused in an odd and funny way. 

Theodore chuckled anyway, taking a seat next to him once he was done setting up. "What are you trying to pull on me? Is this some inside joke I'm not understanding?"

"Half-half," he responded. "It's something Silver Eye once called you when I first came to the Snake Pit." he didn't tell Theodore the other part, since he felt like it would kill the mood. Mentioning his father anyhow wasn't a wise choice.

"My, I just love how you display your humor and describe everyone. There's never a day where you call anyone by a normal term," Theodore smiled at him again, but almost in a flirting way. "When will you call me by other terms and words of yours?"

Norman raised a brow. Somehow, his mind hit the roadblock that made him wonder if that was something subtly dirty and wrong. "Um...What do you mean?" 

"I was just joking," he smiled. 

Suddenly, Theodore scooted his chair a little closer. And in fact, just enough so that he could reach for Norman again. He watched as the older man stared into his eyes for a moment, before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. And blinking in confusion only made Theodore a little more encouraged. 


"Oh geez," Norman muttered as Theodore was full-blown nuzzling him now, still planting occasional kisses on his face. "Theodore, don't go too far —"

Theodore paused for a moment, just to simply reply, "Of course I won't go too far. It's rare for me to be this intimate towards someone. Will you just let me?"


But before Theodore could continue with his affection, there were loud knocks on the door. It sounded terrifying and thundering, as if the door could collapse any moment now. Norman quickly turned his attention there, but Theodore reacted calmly and slowly. 

"He came early," his lover sounded a little unsurprised. 

"It's a weird habit of his," Norman told him. To this very day, he still didn't know whether it was his father's bad timing or obsession to come very early.

The knocks on the door kept on coming. "Open up! Anyone in there! They better not be be making love back there..." Norman mentally facepalmed at how quiet his father muttered at the end.

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