Calling Again

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It's been a long time, sort of. I didn't really know what to write, and I lost motivation. This might not be written well. It's filler in a sense.

"La la la la," his sister was in the middle of calling him again, much to Theodore's frustration. They were in the car again, and Theodore had to bear with Norman's sister. "Why are you dating? It looks like a huge waste of tiiiiiiiiiime. All you do is get food and junk and then be like Omg I wuv you sooo much!!!"

Norman sighed out quietly, hoping that his sister wouldn't hear him. "Dates are different when it comes to many people. No two dates will be the same, so calm down."

"Really? Dad said that all gay dates are gross and disgusting. But I don't know, because I'm too little. But like, what actually counts as gay? I mean, I have female friends and all that but guys can be awesome too! They're so stupid so I don't usually accept their love confessions, teehee. But like I said, I'm little — "

"And a little stupid, but let's not talk about that." 

"You know what else is stupid? Launching a spinning top into a crater. It's as stupid as running around and dribbling an incoherent sphere across the room. Speaking of incoherent, I do not know what that means." 

"Are you talking about basketball? I don't even like basketball to begin with."

"SAME!" his sister literally shrieked into the phone, and Norman noticed how Theodore flinched a little hard. So hard, he could have swerved the car by accident. "I don't get any sport and their dumb, incoherent rules. Maybe except volleyball; all of them cool kids play volleyball."

Norman noticed Theodore's scowl in the mirror. And clearing his throat, he asked his sister, "Hey, what's the real reason you called me? Is it to talk about the date I'm having right now?" 

"Maybe, maybe not. Dad just told me to annoy you as much as possible. He hopes that I might super-sonic scream into the phone, so I can annoy Mr. Glass. You know, so he would change his mind and not want Dad coming over."

Well, there you have it. Such a wonderful plan foiled already!

His sister turned out to be really helpful after all. It's both stupid and a little wonderful, honestly. Perhaps her adorableness prevented her from being strangled and killed some other way; her stupidity saved her and doomed her at the same time.

"Ahem," Theodore cleared his throat. The car was now jammed in the middle of afternoon traffic, as ordinary people took the noon time to go get food. 

Although his lover did not say anything else, Norman got the idea right away. "Hey, sis? It's not a very smart move to reveal Dad's plan to me. You should know that by now."

His sister paused for a moment, before responding. "Um, really? I think you and Mr. Glass are annoyed right now, right? If so, then I'm smart! The plan is working!" she sounded so accomplished that someone might as well slap her. 

"Well, you are annoying him the right way, I suppose. I know he had called Dad to come over tonight, but annoying Mr. Glass wouldn't be very polite thing to do. Not like he would change his mind, either."

"HEY Dad asked if I could come over! You know, so I can see you."

"Let me ask," he responded, before holding the phone away and looking at Theodore. "Hey, Theodore? Is it okay if my sister comes along with my Dad? She's really interested and wants to come over." 

Not like there was any other specific and scary reason for her to come over. Coming over to annoy Theodore sounded a little funny. But why else would she go? Norman's closest guess was that she was really interested in everything

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