Chapter 61: Hayden

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Sunday, 9:00 A.M.

Tyler dropped me off at the airport a whole thirty minutes before Mama Gold and Harper would be there to 'pick me up from my trip to Pennsylvania.' 

I walked into the airport in a low effort, but high success disguise- oversized glasses and my hair twisted up into a small beanie. After a quick bathroom break, I emerged without a disguise and acted as if I were returning from a flight- just to have a few paparazzi pictures to support my little lie.

They picked me up without any questions or suspicions, surprisingly both in a very excitable mood. They ranted and raved about my gender reveal appointment tomorrow, and that's about it.

Really, the only complaint I got was from Mama G as she commented on my weight, and how she hopes I'm not intentionally so small. 

"Hayden is just a tiny girl, mom," Harper told Mama G in my defense. "She's probably going to wake up on the first day of her last trimester, and have a watermelon in her belly! Give it time!"

Mama Gold went on for a while after that about how she looked like a house when she was this far along. When we finally pull up to a large gate sitting in the middle of a bright green hedge fence, I'm thankful for the interruption a tall business looking woman requests as she asks her to roll down the window. 

This isn't Mama G's house.

It takes a moment for the realization to settle in- just about as long as it takes Harper to turn around to me with a wide smile spread across her lips.

"Surprise!" she says as the woman hands Mama G a key, and proceeds to flick a few buttons to open the gate. "We're going to see our new house for the first time! Harlee's going to meet us later- but we're going to check it out, and decide what we want to do with all of of the space- Even do some shopping! Are you excited?!"

I look out the window as we slowly drive up a long tree and flower lined driveway. This is definitely the biggest house I've ever seen in my life.

I nod my head in astoundment, watching as the huge property comes into focus. We pull up to the house. It looks like you could fit a small community in here! 

A large fountain sits in the middle of a roundabout when we first pull up. On each side of it, two smaller driveways stretch down the long length of the front of the house, curving around the sides to the backyard

Is this even real?!

"We figure that we can split it up into three separate homes-" Mama G says as she puts her car into park. She faces the large fountain in the front yard of the house. "One for the each of you so that you guys stay close, but still have your privacy. Even... room for a family."

She says the last part as if it had taken a lot from her- like the idea of any of us having a family kills her soul a little bit.

It's bound to happen one day though... maybe not as early as it'll be happening for me- but whatever!

"Do you want to check out any particular side first?" Harper turns back around to face the backseat and ask me. "The two side sections need a little more work than the middle section does- but I personally like them better... They have more room for renovation!" she winks.

I shrug my shoulders, a wide smile spreading across my lips as I let myself grow excited. "You pick!"  I excitedly tell her.

Hayden is about to go design her first house! No- I'm about to go design my first house!

I barely expected to have a cardboard box to live in my entire life, and now this?! Words can't even begin to describe the excitement running through my veins. 

I'm not going to lie... I was nervous to leave Ty's house today. I didn't think I was ready to face the Golds.

Despite my bruises, and even my split jaw being healed enough to where little or no makeup would make them invisible- I couldn't help but convince myself that maybe I really should give Hayden up.

I mean- it's been a crazy last few of days between everything in Pennsylvania, and then letting Jena come all the way out here to fuck things up. I was pretty discouraged. 

I hop out of the car to chase Harper to the side of the house all the way on the left, ignoring Mama Gold as she falls into a small fit of laughter behind us. She calls out for us to wait for her, but the excitement is too serious. 

Maybe this really isn't going to be so bad... maybe I can actually do this Hayden thing. 

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