ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜:ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖

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Chapter 14: Home Once More
Quickly before this chapter begins thank you for reading and having me surpass 200 reads! Y'all mean the world to me, love you all!

Colby's POV
I was having a great time in Hawaii but at dinner, I looked to the shore and thought of what I was missing. Mainly, Y/N. While I was distracted a conversation had filled the silence until I was dragged into talking by Sam.
"Do you miss your girlfriend Colby?" Sam teased.
"One, she's not my girlfriend," I said.
"Two?" Sam asked.
"Two, f*ck off," I joked, the friend group erupted in a burst of laughter. I missed these guys, high school with them made it less of a living hell.

Time Skip
I was finally back in LA, happy to see my long awaited apartment. Jet lag was a b*tch.

Your POV
I was on a walk and now heading back into the building. I got distracted on my phone when I bumped into someone. I immediately looked up and apologized then realized it was Colby.
"Hey Colby," I said after apologizing.
"Oh hey Y/N," he said before yawning.
"Tired?" I asked.
"Yep," He said.
"Well go and sleep, I'm heading out to do something. I'll see you later," I said before scurrying off onto the streets of LA.
I was walking and something caught my eye. Los Art, the small store was titled. I smiled before walking inside, I saw a lady about mid-twenties standing at the counter. Her attention shifted to me from the classical jingle of a bell from the door opening.
"Welcome to Los Art!" She said with a broad smile.
"Thanks, like the name," I said. She smiled and responded, "Thanks, came up with it myself."
I walk around the store and see that the small aisles are organized by the median. I pick up an oil pastel set and watercolor. I continue to look around and see acrylic paint for a good price, Payton loves acrylic paint. I pick it up for her and then see a section for crafts. I see a nice ribbon role that I knew Hannah would love. I decide to take it for her, then I step to the counter.
"Is that all?" The lady asks kindly.
"Yes Ma'am," I say out of habit.
"This is your first time here, right...." She said.
"Y/N," I said smiling.
"Well Y/N, I'm Olivia," she said. "This is an odd purchase."
"I know. The acrylics and the ribbon are for my roommates, the other two items are for me," I said with a small laugh.
"That's nice," She said.
"Thanks. Also, I've walked along here a few times and never seen this. Is this place a new place?" I asked.
"Fairly new, I've only been open for a month," she said. "12.47."
I hand her a twenty and say, "Keep the change." She smiles and says, "Thanks you for coming to Los Art, come again soon if you will."
"I sure will be, thanks Olivia," I say before picking up the single bag and walk out.

A couple days later
I was doing a singing cover in my room to Leaves by Kid Quill.
When I had finished the sing and turned off the camera clapping was heard from the door. I expected it to be Payton or Hannah. "Thanks," I said barely above a mumble.
"Your welcome," a voice that didn't belong to Payton, nor Hannah. I look to see Colby. "Oh, Hey Colby."
"You didn't know it was me?" He asked with fake hurt.
"I didn't know you were the one applauding my terrible singing," I said.
"Hey! Stop bad talking yourself!" He said walking into the room.
"Your not my Dad!" I joked.
"Damn right! I'm your mom and dad!" Payton yelled in the doorway.
"How does that work?" Colby asked.
"I dunno. Does being pansexual help with that?" Payton asked, actually questionable.
"Wait, Pan?" Colby asked.
"I'm the only straight one that lives here," I laughed standing up,
"What Hannah then?"
"BISEXUAL B*TCH!" Hannah yelled, running in then tackling me.
"Sh*t!" I yelled laughing.
"A lot of my friends aren't straight," I said honestly with Hannah still on me.
"Ok Hannah, Get off Colby's girlfriend," Payton said.
"Girlfriend?" Colby and I said.
"We were never dating!" I said.
"Then future girlfriend," Hannah said getting up. I grabbed a ruler from my desk and tapped Hannah on the head several times. "Get your god damn head straight." I said.
"Let's get one thing straight, I'm not straight," Hannah said.
"Unoriginal," Payton yelled.
"Your not original either!" Hannah said. The bickering continued until they left the room. By now Colby and I were chilling in my bed.
"How was Hawaii?" I asked.
"It was nice," he said smiling. "What'd you do while I was gone?"
"One funny thing was the a video I did with Angie, it should be up," I said sitting up and getting Youtube on the TV. I turn to Angela's channel and the video was titles, THINGS WENT TO STUPID|Cooking with Two #4. The thumbnail was me laughing at Angela while she had the vodka bottle in her hand.
"What the hell did you do?" Colby laughed.
"Let's watch it," I said.
The Video:
"What's up b*tches! Today I have Y/N and were back for the long awaited episode offffffff.... COOKING WITH TWO!" Angela said to the audience.
"Hai," I said to the camera.
"Today were making Alfredo pasta!" Angela said.
"Do you even have pasta?" I asked.
"I don't f*cking know," She said going to a cupboard. "Nope."
"Get your life together!" I yelled.
"B*tch, I'm trying! Ok!" She yelled.
"Well let's go get pasta," I said.
"And the sauce," she said.
"No, I know how to make Alfredo sauce,"I said.
"You do?" She asked.
"Yup," I said.
There was a clip of us in the car yelling lyrics but there was a note she out in editing saying, "No music cause ill get a strike lol."
We had passed by a candy aisle and I took out the camera and said, "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom."
"What do you want you little b*tch?" She whisper yelled at me.
"Can we get candy?" I asked with a 4-year-old's voice.
"Sure," She said. We grabbed several bags before finding the pasta. We went to self check out and said to the camera, "We both hate talking to random people so we come here."
"And we won't get judged," I added.
We were going back to her house and went inside.
"Put the pasta in a pot with water," I told Angela. I was trying to fine the ingredients for the sauce.
"Where the hell is your garlic powder!?" I asked Angela.
"I don't f*ckin' know," She said. I looked inside the fridge with the butter and saw it there. "Explain?" I asked while taking it out.
"I think I was drunk," she said.
"Wait, go get your vodka!" I said.
"Good idea!" She said going to grab it. She opened the bottle and took a shot.
"Don't worry! I'm 21 she's 23!" I said the the camera. I started making the sauce while Angela managed, well tried to manage the pasta.
"Sh*t!" She yelled.
"What did you do this time?" I asked.
"The water hurt me! F*ck you water!" She said.
I had showed the final product and Angela did a drunk outro. She has to put subtitles cause you couldn't understand her at all. Her outro music played signifying the video ended.

Colby was laughing while I smiled.
"You really did all of that?" He asked.
"Hell Yeah I did," I said.

1310 words

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