Important A/N

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Hi everyone! I haven't been on Wattpad a lot, and I'm really sorry for not updating anything for a good amount of nearly 2 years.

I've been in art college since then, and somewhere along then I lost my passion to write fanfics. I still love fanfics, but I've been finding it harder to write them. I've mostly been focused on my personal writings.

I'll be honest, I haven't been hyped about Hetalia because I don't have anyone to talk about it anymore. I haven't even touched my Kumajirou cosplay since 2017.

But seeing the comments just made me happy to know there are still people who read this. I'll see if I can make time to continue this. I may have to stop requests for the time being, so I could actually catch up on those that have been pending since my last update.

I'm pretty glad I keep Wattpad in my phone, in case I want to come back. I'm not sure when I can get any updates done, especially with the amount of other fanfics I've posted eheh...

But yeah, thank you for reading my stuff. Thank you for being here.


Side note, if you'd like to see what I've been up to for the past one and half years, feel free to DM me!

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