
482 14 13

Please don't hate me...

Also, there's a smol TW-

Me and Roman started leaning in slowly and absentmindedly. Our lips were just centemeters apart from each other. My eyes fluttered closed and so did Roman's. All I needed to do now was close the gap betw-

"So, when are we going hom- oh I'm sorry!" Patton frantically apologized when he turned and saw us.

Me and Roman immediately jumped away from each other when we heard Patton's voice.

If blush was something you could dump on someone, (I'm not talking about makeup) then somebody just now poured a trillion tons of it on me.

"U-Um, no it's f-fine Pa-Patton..." I looked at the ground embarrassed.

"Uh, ok..." Patton replied.

After a few minutes of extremely awkward silence passed and Patton spoke up again.

"We should probably head home now..."

I nodded in response and stood up, Roman did the same.

We all walked awkwardly back to Thomas's apartment. I was walking in front with Roman behind/beside me, and then Patton behind me and Roman.

I stopped when I realised something. Patton and Roman stopped too, questioningly. "How am I going to hide my wings?" I asked.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Roman said awkwardly.

"I'm not sure. You could tuck them behind your jacket or something." Patton asked.

"I guess." I replied.

I did as Patton said and shoves them behind my jacket and shirt.

"Well what 'd 'y know! It works." I said.

We walked the rest of the way home and climbed back in through the window.

I closed it once Roman and Patton got in and then I looked at them.

"Um, do you mind leaving my room for a minute? I have to change my shirt and jacket. They got torn open by my wings." I asked, trying not to be rude.

"Oh, no not at all!" Patton said, then he and Roman went to go stand outside of my room.

I took off my jacket and my shirt and placed them in the trash can.

What? They were torn up.

I saw my cuts as I pulled a new shirt and jacket out of my closet. I stared at them for a few seconds.

What if Patton or Roman saw these? Would they even care?

Probably not...

I sigh and put on the new clothes.

"You guys can come back in now." I call through the door.

They walk back into my room and sit down on my bed after I do.

"So-" Roman started, but got cut off by the door opening, Logan standing on the other side.


Word count: 438

Future edit: Alright guys, so originally Virgil tucked his wings into his literal skin. I decided to change this since nobody seemed to understand that concept, so now he just hides them behind his clothing.

Virgil's Life //A Sanders Sides Fanfic// (First Series) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now