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I stopped hugging Depression and me and Logan screeched.

"Who the hell are they?!" He yelled.

"Why should that matter to you?!" I yelled back.

Roman and Patton came running to my doorway, probably because of me and Logan yelling, and they almost jumped out of their skins.

"Who are those people?" Roman raised his voice a bit louder than usual.

"I don't know!" Logan exclaimed.

They all looked at me expecting an answer.

"Should we leave?" Jack asked.

"If y'all want to." I shrugged.


"Are they more of Thomas's emotions? Oh my god, are they like Deceit?" Roman asked, he sounded like he was ready to fight Jack and Depression.

"What? No! They're my emotions!" I explained.

"Oh, I didn't know you had any." Logan joked.

"Well guess what? I do." I scoffed. "They're my best friends. They understand me. Unlike you guys." Patton looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Except for Patton."

"I thought we were your best friends though!" Roman exasperated.

"Why would I want people who constantly make me feel like shit to be my friends?!" I looked at him, disgusted.

Everyone was silent for a good 15 seconds untill Patton spoke up.

"Well, we try our best.."

"Sure you do." I spat. Patton looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized, walking away.

"You really should just die." Logan said. "You just made Patton feel horrible."

"Logan! Don't tell him that!" Roman exclaimed.

"Well it's true." He replied matter-of-factly. "He should die. We would be better off without him. Thomas would stop having sleepless nights and we would stop being so annoyed." Roman looked at me like what Logan said was true.

"It's true." Said Dep.

"Shut up, Depression, I don't need you talking right now." I said angrily.

"DEPRESSION?!" Roman screeched.

"E EQUALS MC SCARED!" Logan jumped.

"Sorry, Logan." Roman apologized, then aimed his attention back at me. He walked over to me and kneeled down, putting a hand on my shoulder in the process. "Anxiety, I didn't know you had depression. If you ever need to talk to someone I'm here okay?" He questioned, sounding exactly like Patton.

"No." Roman was taken aback. "I don't want one of my only friends, which I only have two, may I remind you, to disappear."

"You'd be better off without him though, it's a disorder." He explained. "You don't want a disorder do you?" Me and Depression were trying not to cry. His words felt like venom in an open wound.

"Get out of my room. Now." I demanded. "And don't ever call him a disorder again."

Roman left, a bit scared, leaving only Logan standing at the door.

"You too. Leave." He rolled his eyes angrily then slammed my door, leaving. "Depression, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay."

"No it's not. He shouldn't've said that." I hugged Depression again. I felt Jack scoot over on the bed and hug me and Depression too.

After a few minutes of us crying, Depression straightened up his position and stopped hugging us.

"You've been so nice to me today. I think I should give you my name." He said.

"Really?" I gasped.

"Mhm!" He replied.

"Go ahead! We won't make fun of you!" Jack reassured.

"Okay! ...My name is-"


Word count: 568

Yay!! Cliffhangers!

Anyway, I hope you like the story! I like it so far (and that's really rare for me (I usually hate everything I make lmao))

Ilyasm! Byeeeeee ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Virgil's Life //A Sanders Sides Fanfic// (First Series) {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя