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I laid in my bed waiting for something interesting to happen. I looked over to see Insecure, Alex, and Jack all talking together.

"Guys, I'm bored." I stated while sitting up.

"Hi bor-" Alex cut himself off by screeching.

"Ow, what the hell?" I asked, wincing from the loud noise. Everyone was staring at me like I had 15 heads.

What the fuck?

Suddenly, Patton and Roman came running to my room, bursting through (not literally) the door.

"What's wrong?!" Patton and Roman asked looking around for a problem. They stopped looking when they saw me.

"Anxiety!" Roman exclaimed astonishingly. "You have... What-? How-? Why-?"

All of his questions were cut short by him asking more.

Patton looked at me questioningly. "When did you get wings?"

"WHAT?!" I screamed. I whipped my head around me to see wings. They were a very very dark purple, almost black, as the base color, but at the end of my primary and secondary wing feathers, there was a less darker of a purple blending down to the tip of the feathers, and at the tip of the feathers there was a purpley-pink line.

(Here's a quick drawing a did of them (the front and the back look the same but whatever (I still drew both of them)))

I moved my wings to see if they were real 'cause y'know, it's pretty hard to believe that you can just wake up with wings one day

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I moved my wings to see if they were real 'cause y'know, it's pretty hard to believe that you can just wake up with wings one day.

And indeed they were real.

"Can you fly?" Roman asked, kind of loudly.

"Be quiet, I don't want anyone to know about this." I quietly spoke.

"Okay. But can you fly?" Roman repeated, not as loud this time.

"How would I know?" I answered his question with another question.

"I don't know! Can we test though?" He asked.

"I guess..." I answered, unsure if I would succeed in flying or not.

"Yay!" Roman exclaimed. "So, how are we gonna test?"

I looked at him and then to my window. "There's a small cliff a bit away from here." I said.

"Okay! Let's go there!" Roman was extremely excited to go, I could tell by his facial expressions.

"Alright, follow me." I told Patton and Roman. "And you guys can either stay here or go back into my... head? I don't know where you guys go, but you know what I'm saying." I looked at Insecure, Jack, and Alex.

"We'll s-stay here." Insecure figured.

"Okay." I walked over to my window, opened it, then climbed out. Patton and Roman followed me out and we made our way to the cliff.


Word count: 443

Virgil's Life //A Sanders Sides Fanfic// (First Series) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now