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"H-how did yo-you and hoseok hy-hyung meet," Jimin asked as he laid next to Taehyung. The aforementioned smiled, he remembered saving hoseok from a bunch of idiots.

"I saved his ass from a bunch of bullies," he said and jimin giggled.

"Re-really," he asked and taehyung nodded.

"It was sometime in middle school...i was skipping third know cause i was a rebel."

Once again jimin laughed, he kissed Taehyungs cheek. "Anyways," taehyung said as he started to blush "i went to the restroom cause like...i needed to pee--"

He was cut off by both twins crying. Taehyung took his shirt off then picked on up "d-did you r-really need to do that," jimin asked as he sat nack down with daeho.

"I read that it makes the connection between us stronger," he said as he cooed at hana. Jimin nodded, he placed daeho down and slowly took off his shirt then picked him up again.

"Your little roll is so cute," taehyung said as he reached over and squeezed it. Jimin blushed and shook his head.

"Anyways so i went to pee right, and let me tell you hoseok was the biggest nerd ever."

Taehyung smiled at the memory. "So i walked in the restroom and there he was, getting punched like a punching bag," he tsked as he shook his head.

"They were going to give him a swirly but i pulled one of them back and got my way to him...poor guy was terrified when he saw me--"

"Ooh bad boy," jimin laughed out.

"Anyways i got him to the nurse, though he made me promise not to tell what happened...and i made him promise not to tell anyone what i did...he clung on to me everyday after that."

Jimin smiled "he was such a dweeb oh my god," Taehyung said as a sudden wave of memories hit him.

"I remember a couple of days after that he said that i was his hero and his best friend cause he didn't have much..."

Jimin cooed "w-who kn-knew a couple years later he'd be the one to get us together," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, one of the best things that's happened to me."

"I love you baby," jimin said. "I love you more.


The next morning Taehyung was surprised to wake up alone. He rolled over and sighed. He got up and quickly went through everything then walked in the living room.

When he didn't see jimin, he walked in the kitchen and saw him getting something out of the oven.

Once he saw Taehyung he smiled,  "made muffins," he said with a small smile. Taehyung returned the smile and walked closer to him.

Jimin pecked his cheek as he sat the tray down. "Smells good," Taehyung said as he wrapped his arm around his waist (which was still bare).

Taehyung kissed his neck softly "you're so pretty," Taehyung whispered. Jimin blushed, he turned around to face him. "God i'd love to fuck you on the counter again," he whispered.

Jimin hid his face in Taehyung's chest. "Stop," he whispered. Taehyung smirked and kissed the top of his head.

"But you really are pretty," Taehyung whispered, he picked up Jimins head to kiss him.

"Daddy, mommy doesn't have a shirt on," dongmin said as he walked in the room. Jimin blushed as he tried to hide himself, Taehyung smiled and handed jimin his own shirt.

"Might get a tattoo later tonight," he said as he walked out of the kitchen. Jimin nodded as he handed dongmin a muffin "did you see if t-the babies were awake," he asked, dongmin shook his head.

"Okay th-thank you baby," jimin said, he walked over to the refrigerated to get him some juice. "How'd you sleep bubba," jimin asked.

"Really good," Dongmin said taking another bite of his muffin. Jimin nodded.

Taehyung walked into the living room and placed the twins on their own mats. He walked back to the kitchen, he placed a kiss on jimins cheek.


Later that day yoongi and Hoseok went by the house to spend a bit of time with them. Jimin was in the bedroom while everyone else was in the living room.

Jimin happily looked at the daeho as he changed his diaper. Once he was finished he picked him up and kissed his head and placed him in his crib.  "Mmma~~" jimin heard, he quickly turned towards him.

"Did you sa-say something ba-baby," he said as he walked to the crib. He caressed his head "an-anything else you wa-want to do my love," he whispered. Daeho smiled at him and did a little wave.

"Daddy is gonna love seeing this," he said as he picked him up. He walked to the living room and saw everyone around hana.

"Mommy she's crawling," dongmin said happily. Jimin smiled, he walked over to them and placed Daeho down. He smiled seeing that he started crawling too "oh my god baby," he said happily.

"Oh dee is crawling too," dongmin said. Hearing jimins voice he crawled back to him. "Mmm," he said as he made grabby hands towards them. Jimin smiled and picked him up, he kissed his cheek.

"So proud of both of you," he said as he walked over to hana, who also crawled to him. He picked her up too.

"So proud of the both of you," he said happily. Both twins smiled hearing his voice. "What about me mommy, are you proud of me," dongmin said as he walked over to jimin.

"I'm always proud of you baby," he said as he pecked his cheek. Dongmin smiled and went back to playing.

Jimin placed both twins down so they could crawl a bit more.


Later that night Jaeho and jinsoo had came by to start the tattoo. Taehyung was sat in his chair as Jaeho cleaned up everything. Taehyung had his head thrown back as he waited. Jimin was in Dongmins room trying to get some of his toys out.

Jimin smiled, He placed them down "we'll be in the front if you n-need us ba-baby," he said as he left the room. He blew him a kiss as then left the room. He walked back to the front and saw jinsoo playing with the twins.

He was crawling with them on the floor, making funny faces at them. "Ahh," daeho said as he reached out for jinsoo to carry him. The aforementioned smiled and picked him up, he kissed his cheek as he picked him.

Jimin walked in the living room "hey min," jaeho said as he quickly glanced up. Jimin smiled as he walked over to them, he was about sit down but his phone started ringing.

He pulled it out and walked to the kitchen. "Hello," he said as he answered.

"Uh yuh...oh okay...whe-when can i m-make an ap-appointment--no I'm not nervous...just the wa-way i talk..." he stopped for awhile. He walked back to the living room.

"Okay, ye-yes tomorrow is fi-fine. Thank you...bye."

He hung up and placed his phone down.

"Everything okay," taehyung asked, Jimin nodded.

"Twins need to get their shots, ma-made an ap-appointment for fo-four," he said.

Taehyung nodded.

"How old are they already," jinsoo asked.

"Four months..."

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