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Reader POV.

Leaving college I went straight home. Luckily today I have no extra work to do. So for the rest of today I'm gonna try and get Sam out.  She seems depressed, so I want to try and help.

Pulling up into drive, you quickly parked before going inside. Once I walked through the door I was greeted with a hug, from Sam.

"Mom, can we please go out today, just me and you?" She stopped hugging, and looks up at me.

"Sure, let's go to the park. But first let me go put my laptop on charge." I replied with a smile appearing on my face.

Walking towards my bedroom, I passed the TV and overhead it say, " Three Mass serial killers are on the loose." Hearing this my body stop and soon the computer crashes on the ground.

*Earlier that day*

Walking from the campus to my car, I bumbed into a guy wearing all black, whom looked rather peculiar or quaint. Almost as if he just excape some place. To make it weirder he was wearing a mask and looked as if he was holding something but in a rushed I said a quite, "sorry," before running off to my car, and driving.

*Back to present*

Feeling my arm being shaked, I snapped out of it and looked to see, Sam tugging at my arm.

"Sam change of plan, Mommy has to go to the weapon shop to buy some things and then we're gonna stop and buy groceries. Okay?." I said trying to hide the fear with a sweet and calm voice.

"Is everything okay mom your acting weirdly?" She asked.

"I can't answer that." I replied bluntly before continue, " Just know that from now on you can not leave the house without me, grannyma, or your nanny, even then I want you to carry a thing of pepper spray starting when we get back."

Not questioning what I said, we left the house at started making our way to the weapon store.


When it comes to actually making this story, so far all I done was go with the flow. I felt like this story was being boring, but I don't want to rush it either, so have this for now.

PS. I slowing becoming less interesting in creepypasta and more interested in anime like My hero academia, Attack on Titan,  Orion Host Club, and Danganronpa, so to any anime fans please feel free to suggest any anime in the comment. Or just talk about anything honestly, I don't care.

An Okay Love (EJ x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz