XVII. "You my baaaaeeeeeee."

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"Even after the things I said."

I kissed her forehead. "Yes, even after all those things you said. I'll always care for you, Chocolate Gumdrop."

"This is way too sappy." She stated seriously, with a slight smile.

"Come on, can we have at least one movie moment." I smirked.

"Shut up, Chance."

"So are you done being a bitch, or what?" I joked, yet I was serious.

"I was not a bitch." She gasped.

I laughed lowly. "Oh, yes you were. You were the biggest bitch, ever."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Nuh uh" she protested.


She leaned back onto the bed. "But seriously, I need a place to crash."

"Well, you can't crash here." I said, only half-joking.

"Why not? You have more than enough rooms."

"I know, but we're moving out." I sighed. "Remember like a month ago I told my father had come back."

"Oh, yeah. Damn, I totally forgot. Have you found an apartment yet?" She asked.

"I'm still sixteen, and it's going to be a while before I hit seventeen. So I honestly don't have anywhere to go."

She nodded her head but didn't speak for a while. Then there was silence. A nice comfortable silence that never seemed to bother neither of us.

"We can always just runaway." She suggested.

"Runaway?" I turned my head towards her. "Where the hell are we going to go?"

"To Daniel's." She answered effortlessly. "Wait a minute!"

"Oh, God." I muttered.

"I bet he can get you an apartment and he has like two houses. Why didn't you think of that earlier?"

Okay, that was a really good idea.

I shrugged. "He's probably busy with military stuff. Let's not forget the seven girlfriends he has. I don't want to get in the way."

She punched my arm. "Stop being a punk. Had me your phone."

I rolled my eyes. "No"

"Dude, come on. Hand me your phone.I just want to call my brother."

I handed her the phone, sighing deeply. "I don't approve of this."

"Oh, hush you punk." She giggled, tapping away on the screen of my phone. "What's your password?"

"Your birthday." I mumbled, not wanting to admit to my own sad sappiness.

"Aw, you're so cute. Gimme kiss." She puckered her lips. I mushed her face softly.

"Just call the guy already." I chuckled. .

"Fine, asshole." She said as she held the phone to her ear.

I didn't pay much attention after she answered the phone, because my mind began to wonder.

Sitting in my bed with her, laughing and holding real conversations gave me a little bit of my own sanity back. I honestly don't see the reason we fell off before. Everything seems so stupid now. The yelling, the names, the accusations, it all seems so meaningless, so stupid. My feelings are still in the place I left them, still floating around in my heart.

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