Brock x Reader (Our Melody)

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"Oh look, I found the two stooges." I mumbled to myself as I made my way over the street and to the building.

I walked in and saw two women and three men completely beaten up and on the floor, groaning and whimpering. Bull and Bibi where at the front desk and the man behind it was trembling with horror.

"We asked ya once and we won't ask ya again, let us in or else-"

I cleared my throat to get their attention. The siblings turned to the front door where I stood and started grinning. Uh-oh, maybe I should have kept walking.

"Heyyyyy! L-Look who it is!" Bibi sputtered. Ah, I could tell they were drunk. Luckily, they really like me when they're drunk so I can probably stop this mess.

The man behind the desk looked at me and sunk lower behind the desk. Bull walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I don't suppose ya could, handle this little m-mess for us, could ya?"

I looked to the man and back to Bull. "Yeah, I'll handle it. Go on ahead." "Fuck yeah! Ya always been the best (Y/N)!"

Bibi swiped the key from the man and the two trouble makers made their way to a door that was about 20 feet away from the entrance of the room. 

They unlocked the door and right as they opened it, loud deafening music blared from the door. I saw all sorts of colors flash from the opening light up the floor of the room we were in. The siblings rushed in and slammed the door behind them, leaving the room silent.

I walked over to the horrified man to the desk and pulled out my wallet.

"Okay." I sighed. "How much to I have to pay for the idiots' mistakes?"

The man slowly peaked up and looked at me, still trembling. "Y-Y-You're not w-with them?" "No, no, I am. I just try to keep them from destroying the city."

The man was now standing, seeing how I wasn't absolutely crazy like the other two. He relaxed a bit and let out a sigh. "I was worried you were going to attack me or something. Th-Thank you for helping me."

"No problem! So how much does it cost to get into there? I assume I'll have to pay for their passes?" The man looked at me like I was some kind of god. "Oh, no, no. For helping me out, I'll let all of you in on the house. My treat."

I smiled at the man. "Really? Woah, thanks! You're really helping me out. I appreciate it!" The man smiled gently at me. "Don't mention it. Have a good time." He replied tiredly.

I went over to the door and grabbed the metal handle. You could feel the music through the door. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I felt like I just went from one world to another.

The room was massive! There was a large octagon shaped pool in the middle of the room and pillars on each point of the octagon. The room was at least thirteen feet high but, there was an opening in the ceiling where the pool was. I walked over to the opened area and gasped. There wasn't just two floors but, over at least fifty! At the top of the octagon shape roof was a glass ceiling, letting the stars and night sky show overhead.

 The room was designed like an old Greek temple with it's stone walls and stone floor, there were even plastic vines wrapped all around the pillars to make the place look better. People were everywhere and there were flashing lights in all sorts of different colors.

I looked around for the two idiots that came in before me. "If I was a biker, where would I be?" Not a moment after I heard Bibi scream and then heard a loud splash. I rushed over to the pool and Bibi had on a black bikini with golden chains holding up the top of her outfit.

I went over to the side where she was. "Bibi, honey." She looked up to me. "Yes mommy?" "First off you're drunk, you shouldn't be swimming. Secondly, where are your clothes? Third don't call me 'mommy'."

"Okay, One: I'm swimming in the s-shallow zone so fuck you, two: Bull has my backpack with my clothes and three: okay daddy."

I looked away, covering up my red face. "Don't call me that either!" She laughed and went back to swimming.

I started to walk away but, I accidentally bumped shoulders with someone random. "Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" "No, no you're fine!- Wait. You're (Y/N) right? I looked up to the man's face and nothing was ringing a bell. He was cute but, I've never seen him before.

"I umm, do I know you?" He laughed at my question and shook my hand. "No but, you do now! I'm Brock! I'm one of the Brawlers participating in tomorrow's tournament." I remembered Colt telling me about someone named Brock that I would be meeting. "Oh! Okay, I was told about you!"

He smiled brightly to me. "That's good! I was afraid I came off like some weirdo trying to hit on you." "Ha! No, no, you're fine!" We started walking upstairs and had pleasant conversations. Apparently he owned this intense club with another Brawler named Leon. They both lived in Brawlville and had some pretty good businesses around here.

We got to about the seventh floor where there was a bar on one side of the room and a DJ stand on the other. Brock took my hand and walked me over to the DJ stand. "I'll introduce you to Leon."

We got up on the stand and I saw two swivel chairs, one of them was moving back and forth but, no one was sitting in it. "Hey Leon! This is (Y/N), the person that Colt told us about." I looked at Brock like he was crazy but before I could question him, a kid in a green hoodie appeared in the chair that was moving.

"Cool. Nice to meet you. I'm Leon." He said while unwrapping a lollipop he pulled out from his pocket. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. He seemed really bored. "I'm going to show (Y/N) how we do things up here. You should go say hello to Nita, I'm sure she's at the Brawler mansion by now."

The boy's nose and cheeks went red as he got down from his chair and disappeared once again.

"Alright!" Brock said as I got in front of the mechanical board. There were so many buttons and lights, I had no idea what anything meant. My hands hovered over the music board and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my face. What is all of this?!

Brock saw I didn't know what to do and chuckled. He came from behind me and he put his hands above mine and moved my hands around with his own. My face heated up at the action but, I let him continue.

He moved my hands to turn some switches up and click some buttons then he moved my fingers to a slider and turned some all the way down while others were turned up a little bit. The music in the building began to change with every move he made on the board.

Before I knew it, the song Say My Name by David Guetta was blaring through our the entire club. He took one of my hands to the wheel on the bored while the other went to a sound board and the song quickly became some kind of remix.

It was amazing how quickly he could change one tune  to another. You could tell he had been doing this for a while. I smiled and leaned back into him as he laid his head on my shoulder. We continued to stay like that until the song was over.

I turned to face him and I gently kissed his forehead. He smiled and brought me in for a hug. He was kinda cold which was surprising because I was burning up. He easily cooled me off though.

He pulled away and stood next to me as he explained to me how everything worked and what each part did. We continued to remix different kinds of songs for the rest of the night. I took his hand into mine and he smiled at me lovingly.

I think I just found my favorite Brawler.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one! If you have a request, don't be shy to ask! I'll do what I can! Thanks again for reading! :)

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