Chapter Thirty Four

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Emilie didn't wait for the car to stop. She opened the when it pulled up to the hospital. The surrounding people looked at her like she was crazy. Emilie tried to move through the hospital as fast as she could. The doctors and nurses tried to stop her, but she walked down the hall to Sanna.

"God, how did everything get so bad." Emilie thought, "Was she about to lose Alicia?"

Emilie shook the thought out of her head. She needed to remain positive things were going to work out for them; it was just one step back. They were going to take a few steps forward in no time.

"Emilie." Sanna shouted, "Thank god you're here."

Emilie walked up to Sanna and took a deep breath. "What's going on?" she place her hands on her thighs and tried to catch her breath.

"Alicia had a stroke. The doctor said that the bullet hole got infected, and they said that she's ding." Sanna sniffled. "I don't know what to do anymore."

Emilie paced the hallway. "She can't die. What's going to happen to Amia? Alicia's parents are going to take her away from me and I will never get to see her again and then she's going to grow up miserable and hate me. What's going to happen to me? I know I wouldn't love anyone else." She ramble and could feel herself panicking.

Sanna smacked her chest. "Shut up."

"Ouch." Emilie rubbed her chest. You didn't have to hit me that hard.

"You were rambling, and it got annoying. We don't know how long we have with her again and the doctors are working on her as well. Let's just remain positive and we would worry about those things after. Because next time I will punch you."

"Okay." Emilie put her hands up in surrender and takes a seat.

Alicia climbed the hill. She had been walking around for what felt like hours. Her feet were blistered and red, and she stops and sits on the ground.

"You're almost there Alicia."

Alicia sucked in a breath. "But I'm tired." She groaned.

"You can't give up now. You don't have much time left."

Alicia looked over at herself. She felt crazy about what was going on. Why couldn't she remember where she was? Did she get put in a psych ward? Was this her imagination?

"I don't think I can go anymore. I need water and rest," Alicia said, panting.

"Think about Amia and Emilie, they need you so you need to keep pushing you're almost there."

Alicia looked at her confused, "Okay, for whoever they are." She got up and continue to walk.

The doctor walked out of the room and looked at Emilie and Sanna sadly. "We did as much as we could. It. It's now up to her to keep fighting."

"Is the infection that bad?"

The doctor nodded. "We were monitoring it, but it was affecting her from the inside out and the stroke didn't make it better. I'm sorry, you can go in and see her." she walked away.

"I'll go first." Emilie got up and walked into the room. She shuts the door behind her. Alicia looked worse than before. It made Emilie tear up. She pulls the chair closer to the bed and sits. "Hey Alicia." she leaned closer. "Princess, I can't imagine the pain you're in right now, and I don't want you to suffer if you're hurting. Let go, baby, I love you so much, but if you need to go, I will understand. I have so many memories with you and I'll continue to hold on to them." She kisses her forehead and walked out of the room. She saw Sanna and Ariel there, waiting.

"Hey, Emilie." Ariel hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Sanna, you should go in."

Sanna nodded and squeeze her shoulder and walked into the room. Emilie turned and looked through the window. She could hear Sanna talking to Alicia.

"Hey Ali, it's Sanna. Please don't listen to Emilie she didn't think I heard her, but I did, she's just being an idiot, I need you to fight to make it back to her and Amia because you're dumb family is trying to take her away from us and I don't think Emilie could handle loosing both of you at the moment. So please come back to us." Sanna kiss her cheek and walked out of the room.

"Sanna, I'm sorr- "Sanna puts up a hand and stopped, Emilie, folded her lips and decided to stay quiet.

"You should go in, Ariel." Sanna leaned on the doorway.

"Hey, Ali." Ariel kissed her forehead. "I miss you, and I can't wait for you to be here with us again. I know you might be tired, but I need you to come back to us."

Emilie felt bad. She put her head down and walked off. She was the only one telling her to not fight and to go when everyone wanted Alicia to come back and she wanted her to go in peace. Emilie didn't even realize she had got home, so she walked up to the door and opened it. Emilie went straight to the master bedroom into the shower. As the hot water went down her back, she couldn't stop her thoughts from racing. How is she going to cope? Is she ever going to find someone to love again? Was Alicia her soulmate? If she won the case, was she fit to take care of a kid?

Emilie shut the water off and walked into her room. She didn't bother getting changed and lay in bed. She texted Jeff to get Amia from school.

The other Alicia had stopped on the hill and looked back at herself, "Alicia we are here, you can finally go home?"

"But there's nothing? What am I not seeing?" Alicia's eyes pooled with tears. She felt crazy. How was she going home to whoever was waiting for her?

"I'm sorry. A bright light was supposed to be waiting for us here." The other Alicia's eyes widen, 'Unless you're already dead."

Emilie felt lips ghost her neck before feather kisses were placed onto it, "Mhm." she hummed, as she felt her towel loosen and a hand caress her thigh, "Alicia." she moans, but she felt sharp nails and knew that wasn't her girlfriend, she opened her eyes and looked up at her maid above her, "What the fuck are you doing?" Emilie shouted.

"Mhmm baby, don't deny me. You know you wanted me all this time." She reaches her hand out to grab a hold of Emilie's length.

Emilie slapped her hand away. 'Get the fuck out! What's wrong with you?"

"Papi, I love it rough." She straddle Emilie and pushed her down to the bed.

Emilie stretches and pushes the panic button at the side of the nightstand. She took the gun she had installed at the side and pointed it at the maid. "I'm not going to say it again, get out." Jeff runs into the room and Emilie looked over at him. "Please get this crazy woman out of me."

Jeff walked over to them and put his arm around the maid's throat and pulls her off of Emilie. "Do you want me to call the police, boss?"

Emilie shook her head no. "Just get her off the property."

Jeff, "Okay boss, your phone is lighting up."

Emilie picked up the phone and saw it was Ariel. "What's wrong with Alicia? Did she die?"

"No." Ariel shouted, "It's just that."

"What's wrong? Spit it out." Emilie cuts her off.

"She's awake Emilie, Alicia is awake."

Emilie jumped out of bed and hit the intercom at the side of the door. "Jeff, bring the car around and get someone else to go to Amia. We need to get to the hospital right now."

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