Chapter Twenty Four

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Emilie felt restless, she throws her arm to cuddle Alicia but her hand fell heavily onto the bed. She felt around the space, before opening her eyes and blurry looked around the room. Alicia wasn't in here. The bed was cold and felt like she had been away for too long.

Emilie got off the bed, grabbed her robe, and put her feet into her Gucci bedroom slippers, "Alicia." she called out, "Alicia."

She looked in the closet and "Alicia." then the bathroom Alicia wasn't anywhere to be found, Emilie tighten her robe before she leaves out of her room and jogged down the stairs "This house is way too big." she said out loud.

The older woman makes her way to the kitchen and stops at the door, where she hears giggling. She pushed the door quietly so she shouldn't make any noise. Emilie nearly gasped in shock at her Italian tiles covered in flour and chocolate and her two favorite girls stood in the middle of the room, a giggling mess.

"What is going on here," Emilie said as she folded her arms.

Alicia grinned at her, dimples popped out, "Hi baby." she knew Emilie loved her dimples.

"Don't hi baby me, put the dimples away." Emilie walked further into the room.

"We were making brownies and I guess it got a little too messy after I put them in the oven." Alicia wiped the chocolate from her eyes and licked it off her fingers.

"Alicia." Emilie groaned. She stepped over the chocolate to the woman when something fell onto her shoulder. "Please don't tell me that's something weird."

Alicia grinned sheepishly. "Paper, chocolate roof," she mumbled.

"Speak up," Emilie demanded.

"I said we wanted to see how long chocolate could stick to the roof. I guess ten seconds is a long time."

Emilie closed her eyes and counted to ten to calm down, she has never been in a situation like this and maybe it wasn't a big deal like she was going to make it; she open her eyes and looked over at Amia, and all over her anger seemed to disappear.

"Baby, are you mad?" Alicia asked.

"Unbelievable." Emilie shook her head.

"Yeah, Emmy, are you mad?" Emelia asked.

"No, I'm not mad sweetheart, I could never be mad at you."

Emilie smiled softly before she looked and the empty spot and walked over to where she knew her maids kept the cleaning supplies. She felt something fall on her head and cringed, knowing it was chocolate. "Was that chocolate?" She shook her head.

"No," Alicia shouted.

"It is because that's what you put on the roof." Emilie walked around the counter to them. She picked up the chocolate syrup.

"Run," Alicia shouted. She grabbed Emelia's hand and ran out of the kitchen.

"Come back here,'" Emilie shouted, following behind them.

They ran out to the backyard with Emilie hot on their heels. Alicia didn't have time to stop and admire the place being that it was the first time she was ever in the back here. Alicia stopped to take a quick look around at the yard. It reminded of her the Caribbean, and she wondered if that was what Emilie was going for.

"Mommy runs," Amia shouted.

Alicia looked over at her, but it was too late. Emilie picked her up and sprayed chocolate syrup in her hair. The woman giggled and tried wiggling out of Emilie's arms. She could hear Emelia laughing in the background.

"Emelia put me down!" Alicia screamed.

When Emilie thought she had enough, she put her onto the ground and grinned at her work; she laughed softly while she walked inside with her in her arms; Emilie waited for Emelia to come in before shutting the door; she placed Alicia on the floor and grinned at her.

"How come you never showed me the backyard?"

Emilie raised an eyebrow at her. "I thought you saw it already?"

"I've never seen it. It's really beautiful." Alicia looked back at it, "Reminds me of paradise."

"That's what I was going for a tropical getaway right at home." Emelia smiles softly, "Why don't you all go get ready for bed?"

Alicia frowned at her, "Emilie, this is our mess. We couldn't let you clean this. We will help you clean up."

"No, just go on up. I'll come up after and get in the shower." Emilie looked around at the mess. "I'll be up in a minute. You both go up and get ready for bed."

Alicia picked Amia up and kissed Emilie on the cheek. "Thank you, baby," she whispered before racing up the stairs.

Emilie smiled and walked back to the kitchen to get to work. She hoped she could have gotten it all out by the morning before her maids could have taken care of the roof.

Thirty minutes later, Emelie was done lightly cleaning the kitchen. She took out brownies and put them to cool before storing them away for later today for her. Girls, she packed away the cleaning supplies and walked away to the stairs; she walked past Emelia's room and heard whispers; she stood at the door and looked in the sight before she made her heart warm. Alicia sat on the floor while they tucked away a clean Emelia in bed.

"I love being here," Emelia said.

"Oh, yeah?" Alicia fixed her sheet. "What do you like the most?"

"Emelia, she's so nice and always has us having fun. It's not like before when you never. Smiled, now all you do is smile, mama."

Emilie grinned as she leaned on the door frame.

"That's because Mama is a happier baby. I have never felt so happy before." Alicia tickles her side.

"I hope we stay here forever, ever and ever. Never leave Emmy."

"Me too, baby." Alicia kisses her head, "Go to sleep." she got up and walked to the door.

Emilie tried to get into their room quickly but tripped on nothing, falling onto the ground.

"Why are you down there?" Alicia giggled at her. "Were you snooping?"

"I did no such thing. Help me up." Emilie put her hand out as Alicia helped her off the floor.

"Liar." she shook her head.

"I'm happy you both are here."

Alicia smiled brightly. "We are happy to be here as well."

"Let's get you cleaned up and to bed. You have a class in a few hours."

Emilie grabbed her hand and walked to their shared bedroom. Her heart felt full, knowing they were happy with her. That's all she wanted.

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