Chapter 3 - No Means No

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Leave or join her?  In the anti-oxygen chamber?  Now that gives me an idea!  The Judoon doesn’t stop me as I walk away and start to jog as I pass the girl at reception who tries to call me back.  No one stops me on my way to the TARDIS and, thankfully, Olivia had some good sense to shut the door behind her when she left the TARDIS before getting caught.

The monitor springs to life, showing what’s happening to Olivia right now.  She seems to have been subdued, whether it’s her choice or if they’ve given her something I can’t tell, so she walks calmly to her death with an officer on either side of her, escorting her to the chamber.

There’s an old oxygen tank and mask beneath the console which I double check works okay before pulling the TARDIS out of park.  The monitor still follows Olivia around and I can see an audience has gathered around the sole window outside the anti-oxygen chamber.

With no time left to lose the TARDIS parks inside the chamber.  The two humanoids have tore off Olivia’s muzzle and uncuffed her, I watch in horror as she falls to her knees.  They seal her inside as the vacuum starts up, it isn’t till they turn to the infuriated audience do they even realise the TARDIS is there.

I run to open the doors for Olivia but she’s still over by the door where she landed on her knees.  The vacuum begins just as I step out into the chamber.  It means very little to me but for Olivia it’s quite a different story.  Panicking, her hands clutch her throat, not that it’ll do any good for her, her eyes light up when she sees me but still they betray her mixed emotions towards me.

Haphazardly I bring the mask to her mouth and she takes great gulping breaths.  The lack of oxygen starts to go to my head and I feel the room spin as I try to pull Olivia to her feet.  She puts the mask to my mouth momentarily, each of taking shots as we slowly but surely make our way back to the TARDIS.

The vacuum dies down as we breach Her threshold and I bolt the doors closed as the two male humanoids unlock the chamber door.

“You okay?” I manage between gulping breaths.

She gives me a thumbs up, still breathing into the tank.

“Hold onto the rail, this might get a bit bumpy.”

The Shadow Proclamation try pull me back and I glance to where Olivia is crouched, hanging onto the hand rails by the doors for dear life as the TARDIS shudders and wobbles.

“Just a little bit farther… there!  We’re free of them.  It’s all right, you can let go now.”

“Are you sure?” she asks anxiously, still clutching the mask to her mouth.

“Yes.  Let’s take you some place where you can breathe, shall we?”

Home, I guess I could take her home.  That might help calm her nerves, though the hustle and bustle of Edinburgh will probably make things worse.  I opt for somewhere not too far away but quieter.

“The Trossachs.  I haven’t been here in over a century.  How beautiful is that picture.”  I say, admiring it from the TARDIS monitor.

Calm waters, rolling hills and deep valley and an abundant array of wildlife.  The only thing to mar the image is a rolling mist spreading over from the far away waters’ edge.

“How’s that look, Olivia?  Breathtaking.  Olivia?”

She’s quiet, too quiet.  She’s gone.  Groaning, I can’t understand how she could sneak out without my noticing.  The oxygen tank lies half empty by the door as a little stream of water pours in over the doorway.  I’ve landed us right on the waters’ edge.  Olivia is now several yards away from me, sloshing through the shallow water then onto dry land.

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