Chapter 12 - The Trickster

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The TARDIS arrived in the midst of a bad storm and moved us about thirty miles out of its path till it moved away from the hospice.  Not that I could land, even if I wanted to, not with the Dead Lock on the building.

I kept trying to reach Olivia but she wouldn’t answer.  The TARDIS monitor sprang to life showing the hospice in the rage of the storm with one solitary figure on its roof, clinging to the steeple like a limpet with a handful of copper wire.

“No!  No!  What the hell are you doing?” I shouted at the screen.

The screen blanked out just as Olivia was being hit with lightning.  I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t divert it.  I’d never felt so trapped inside the TARDIS in all my life.  It was ages before the TARDIS deemed it safe to move back to the hospice.  When I finally reached it the roof was free of Olivia and so were the upper levels.

Running to the nearest device I called to the Computer.  “Computer, I need information.”

“How can I help?” she said, her voice dipping into a deeper tone.

“I need the location of Olivia Morgan, code 4006-OM.”

“Please, wait.  Searching.”

“Hurry up.”

“Corrupted information.”

“What do you mean?”

“Last known location of Olivia Morgan, the basement, five minutes ago.”

“How is that corrupted?”

“There are no life signs in the basement.”


Bolting for the stairs I began to descend far too quick to be considered safe.  Halfway down I ran into a patient, looking around wildly for something or someone.  Seeing me he blinked a couple a times then smiled.

“She did it!  She got the antidote.” He shouted happily before running down the stairs.  “Doc?”

“Are you looking for me?”

“No.  I’m looking for the Doc.  Miss Morgan.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Johnny.  Are you the Doctor?”

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