Chapter 2 - Extremely Dangerous Humanoid

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The doctor

Well that should slow the Sontaran’s down.  On the downside, I see distrust in Olivia’s eyes again.

“You are with the Shadow Proclamation!”

“No, no, I’m really not.”

“Then how the hell did they find me?”

“I wish I knew.  Olivia, come with me.  I can take you far away from all this.  You’ll be safe with me.  Trust me, I’m the Doctor.”

“Trust you?!  Are you crazy?”

“If you don’t come with me you are going to die.  If not by the hand of a Sontaran then by a Judoon execution squad.”

“I just need to get this lever unstuck and I’ll be on my way.”

She still struggles with the lever but it won’t budge.  Eventually she gives up, gasping for breath.

“Right, well, I guess that’s that.  Get out of the teleportation dock, Doctor.  It’s good for one more trip.  I’ll be long gone before they catch up with me.”

“They’ll keep coming after you.  They won’t stop until they catch you.”

“It’s a good thing I’m a pretty fast enough runner.  Don’t worry about me, Doctor.  I’ve been running from monsters like them for a while now.”

“But don’t you want to stop?”

“I can’t, Doctor.”

“Why not?  What else is after you?  Something worse?”

“Much worse, Doctor.”

“Olivia, I can protect you.  Come with me.  You and me, we want the same things.”

“You don’t know me, Doctor.”

“Then tell me on the way but we really must be going.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you!” she argues, recoiling from my touch.

“Why not?”

“I went away with a strange man once.  I thought he was weird but wonderful.  Turned out, he was an alien.  I could handle that.  He took me away from Earth, promised to show me the wonders of the universe.  He didn’t tell me he was a merchant.”

“What’s wrong with Merchants?”

“Nothing, but he bought and sold things on the black market, so to speak.”

“Such as?”

“Pieces of Earth’s ozone.”

“Who was this man?”

“Cal Hovarth.”

“Never heard of him.”

“Aren’t you the lucky one.”

I’m quicker than she is, pointing the sonic as she reaches for the console.  Lights and sparks flash before the console dies out.

“What have you…?  You’ve disabled the teleport dock.”



“Tell me what Cal Hovarth did to you?”

“He caught me as I alerted the authorities of him.”

“What did he do?”

“He threw me off his ship into the Petretas Inferno.”

“The fiery waterfall.”

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