Chapter 13 - Natural

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It took Olivia almost a week to fully recover from the traumatising events that took place at the hospice.  Whilst drifting through space I tried to think where I could take Olivia to keep her safe until the Trickster would longer be a problem.

“So you’re just going to keep me locked away in your ivory tower whilst you think of a way to stop this Trickster guy.”

“It’s a blue phone box not an ivory tower.”

“Stop avoiding the question, Doctor.”

“Until I think of something, yes you’re stuck here.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“Your life is at risk, of course it’s necessary.”

“So we’re just going to drift through the middle of nowhere until you think of a plan.”


“I have a better plan.”

I laughed, “Oh, I’d love to hear this.”

“These people know I’m with you, Doctor, they’re going to be watching your every move.  All it’ll take is for you to turn your back on me for one second and they’ll have me.”

“Where are you going with this, Olivia?”

“Take me home or take me somewhere close enough for me to find my own way back.  They’ll never suspect you to just let me go.  We’ll stay in touch all the time, I’ll call if there’s trouble.  You can even give me a tracer, I don’t mind.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Doctor, you can’t keep me locked in here.  You’ll have to land somewhere eventually and I will run unless you let me go.”


She scoffed.  “You’re being ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous?  I am trying to keep you alive.  Show a little gratitude.”

“Gratitude?” her voice rose an octave.  “Seriously?  You’re just as bad as I am.  You won’t last a day let alone weeks or months.”

“You’d be surprised.”

With perfect timing the phone began to ring whilst Olivia did her very best not to look smug when I picked up the receiver and sighed.  It was River.

“Doctor, I have news.” She said sounding worried.

“You’re pregnant.”

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