Chapter 10 - Something In The Air

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After securing a position as an assisting medical officer I began to form a routine.  The apartment I stayed in was one of the many small apartments adjacent to the hospice.  It was plain but neat with little homey touches here and there.  Each morning after breakfast the Doctor would call and we’d update each other on any news but I still hadn’t been conceived, River had still to figure out why he was so attentive and affectionate, whilst I kept my ears to the ground listening for anything ‘shady’ like the Doctor said.

Since most of the patients were heading home or back out into the field this week it was fairly quiet.  I only had one soldier to tend to today and he was the first human soldier I’d seen since I started at the VMH.  His name was Johnny, he was American and your usual 51st century boy-next-door.

“Morning, Miss Morgan.” He said each day this week with a grin.

“Morning, Johnny.  How are you feeling today?”

He was older than me by almost ten years and was wounded in battle, nearly losing both left leg and arm.  He’d taken longer to recover than most but I didn’t think he was soldier material to begin with.  He wasn’t athletic or trained well enough for battle but the war was raging on and willing and able volunteers were hard to come by these days.  There wasn’t anything wrong with his muscles hindering him from getting the exercise a soldier needed but he was hard of breathing and allergic to just about everything around him.

He shrugged.  “Just tired.” Yawning for effect.

“Hmm… have you eaten?”

“Just some toast.” He cleaned his glasses with a tissue and pushed them back up his nose.

“May be you need some sugar.  Take some orange juice when the nurse comes along.”

“Sure, will do.  Anything else?”

“No, I’ll be back to check on you in a little bit, okay?”

“Okay, great.  Thanks, Doc.”

I laughed, “I’m not a Doctor, Johnny.  I’m just here to watch your vitals.”

“Whatever you say, Doc.” He winked.

“I’ll be back to check on you in a little bit.”

Three other AMO’s stood in the door way looking out into the hall.  These girls were Venusian, bred and born.  Their skin was a pale sky blue colour, their eyes and teeth an inky black whilst their ears pointed up like those of an elf.

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