Chapter 1 - The Impossible Woman

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“The ship is gone, Doctor.”

“That’s not possible, River.  What do you mean gone?”

“I saw it explode.  I ran all tests, the explosion came from within.  They weren’t fired upon.  Something went wrong.  Their engines, hardware and weapons systems backfired on them.”

“On the Daleks?  River, it just doesn’t make sense.”

“Doctor, believe me I wouldn’t have believed either but I saw it with my own eyes.”

“How many was on the ship?”

“An entire fleet.  Tens of thousands.”



“Did your scanner pick up anything else?  Did any of them manage to escape?”

“No, none of the Daleks any way.”

“What do you mean?”

“There was a teleport deck on the engine level.  All others had been disabled by the looks of it, except for this one.  There was only one still working and it transported someone out but not a Dalek.”

“Then who?”

“I don’t know.  Whoever it was got out in the nick of time.”

The bars of Rivers’ prison slowly slid along, locking her inside… till the next time she breaks out.  She looks tired, understandably.  We’ve been chasing rumours and tall tales for the past few weeks.

“It has to be the same person, Doctor.” River says, grabbing my wrist as I turn to leave.  “First the Cybermen, then the Slytheen – it has to be the same person.”

“Who says it’s a person behind this?”

“Oh, don’t be so naïve, Doctor.  These are attacks from within.  This has started a pattern.  Who knows what could be next?”

“They’re not necessarily doing any wrong, River.  In fact, they’ve saved quite a few innocents and some planets too.” I add as she scoffs.

“So what will you do now?”

“I’ll continue on my own for a while.  No offence, but you look like you could use some rest.  I made a ridiculous mistake sending you out there alone.”

“I’m a big girl, Doctor.  I can take care of myself.”

“You were nearly killed.”

“A danger I face most of the time when I travel with you.  Doctor, I can help.”

“No, stay, rest.  I’ll come back for you.”

“You’d better or I’ll come looking.”

“I’m sure you will.” I laugh.

“Be safe, Doctor.”

“Yes, wife.  You’d better be on your best behaviour while I’m gone.” Snapping my fingers, the TARDIS doors fly open.  “I’ll know if you don’t.”

“Yes, husband.  I know you have eyes everywhere.”

“I’ll be back once I have news until then, stay put.”

“Don’t I get a kiss goodbye?” she asks, grabbing my wrist again through the bars.

I’m already leaning forward when River grabs the lapels of my coat, pulling me up against the iron bars.  Knowing how much it offends her, I try not to giggle like an immature school boy when she kisses me.  It’s just something I’ll have to get used to.  Again.

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