Chapter 4 - The Perfect Team

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The doctor

Olivia watches me patiently as I land the TARDIS as close to the manmade town as possible.

“Where are we?” she asks.



“The planet is called Isis.”

“That sounds human.”

“Well, it’s the only known species on the planet.” I say, double checking the scanner.  “They must have named it.”

“Why does it make that noise?” she asks, as the TARDIS thrums loudly when we land.

“She not it.”

“Excuse me?”

“The TARDIS, she’s not an it.  She’s alive.”

“I thought she was a time machine.”

“Well, she is and she isn’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Haven’t the foggiest, dear.”

“Is that a lie?”

“May be.” I smirk.

“Do you do that often?”

“May be.”

“Still very evasive, Doctor.”

“Grab your coat, Olivia.  It might be chilly out.” I say, offering her my arm.

Hesitantly, she hooks her arm round mine after pulling on her new grey coat and we step outside onto Isis.  At first I think we’ve stepped into a jungle, it’s dry and hot, there are trees and exotic flowers everywhere – only they’re at least twenty foot tall.

“Have we shrunk?” Olivia speaks the first thought that springs to mind.

“No.  They’re just really, really tall.  I’ve never seen trees like these though.” I say, tapping on a large green bark.

“They’re not trees, Doctor.” She says, staring up above us.  “Aren’t those Venus Fly traps?”

“Yes, but on a much larger scale.” I said, following her line of sight.

High above our heads were the mouths of these carnivorous plants with their spiked mouths swaying in the wind.  But there was no sign of the so-called human colony that had sent out a distress signal.

“There are life signs all around us, Doctor.” Olivia said, checking the screen on her cuff.  “But I don’t see anyone.”

“The humans aren’t here.”

“There are at least ten life signs all around.  Are they hiding?”

“No, a colony would have set up camp somewhere away from these plants.  I can’t imagine a fly or a frog satisfying their appetites.”

“Oh, erm…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, technically, plants are alive, right?  They wither and die.”

“Yes, but these life signs on your cuff,” I said, taking her hand in mine, “are for animate objects such as humans or…”

“Or alien plants apparently.  What’s this?”

Sticking out of the large stalk was a spout where some kind of fluid or moisture dripped slowly from the wound into a piping device.

“This is man made.” Noted Olivia.

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