Ch29- Wow...

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It was a normal day. I decided, since it was the weekend and mom doesn't mind, I was gonna spend time with my boyfriend! We decided to watch a movie. Every five minutes, we made out. Y'know, like we usually do! Alvin and Theo decided to play a video game while we were making out. We didn't mind. There was a knock at the door. Dave got it and someone came in. "I'm sorry, am I disturbing something here?" I hear a familiar voice say. I quickly turned around to see.... No... No no..... No no no....."SUGGS?!" Me, Simon, Alvin, and Theodore say. We were now scared. "Hi!" He seemed happy.....
I got out my phone and played the meme, 'NO GOD!'

Suggs laughed a little. "Relax, I'm not here to get you, I just want to thank you, Alex!" He says.
"What?" I say confused.
"Remember in the elevator, you said that I needed to move on... Well, I thought about what you said for the longest time... And you were right! Cause of you, I got a new girlfriend!" He got out his phone and showed me some pictures of him and his new girlfriend. I smiled. "Well, good to know that you're happy!" I say.
"Yup! And, for the Chipmunks...." He began. They looked at him. "You guys are officially off the no fly list!" He finished with a happy tone. We were all shocked to hear this.....
"Well, I gotta go, I need to get tickets for the movies tonight!" He says as he walks out. I was surprised. Everyone else were happy and shocked. Simon snook behind me, hugged me from behind, and started kissing my neck. I let out a silent moan. Dave saw this. "Boys, control yourself in front of people! Please..." He said.
"Sorry Dave!" We say.

( Sorry this is short. But I just wanted to do something else with suggs. Also, just a quick question, do you guys want to see Alex and Simon... Y'know.... 👉👌 Again? I'm just curious. Anyway, have a nice day!)

Alex (my oc) x SimonWhere stories live. Discover now