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" When I was born, my parents were nice to me at first. They immediately started to teach me how to walk once I woke up. I learned it pretty quick. Then they taught me how to talk and what meaning of the word was as much as they could. I was clueless to what they were planning. After I knew that they stopped teaching me things because it was night time. By the second day, my mom acted weirdly and very mean to me. When I asked her a question, she would shove me and walk away. But when I asked my dad, he was nice to me and answered my questions. But by night, a twig in the tree broke and it woke me up. I saw my parents leaving. I asked them what they were doing and my dad told my mom to tell him what's going on and then she nodded. I wish I ran away as soon as I saw her
... When I asked what's going on, she shoved me against the wall and pinned my there. Then, she used 1 claw from her fingers and I closed my left eye felt so much pain and by the time it was done I was scared of her. She reached her hand out looking like she was gonna choke me, but then she heard my dad calling and she turned and left. All I did for 3 days straight was cry. My parents never came back... No one cared for me since until I meat Julia.... She found me in her backyard and I was only flesh and bone in Chicago, I was only a month old as well. My bangs were grown as well and I kept this eye covered ever since. She took me in and fed be, gave me a home, and when I talked to her, she was shocked at first, but then she was really nice to me, and I've been dwelling on the past lately, Julia is the only one that knows of this story as well. Well, now you too. That's the reason that I've been skipping classes, sorry if I worried you." Alex explained, nearly going into tears as he explained it to him.

Alex (my oc) x SimonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon