Ch26- Surprises

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"Alex is Pregnant with your baby Simon Seville. Congratulations on the baby!" We both stared at her in disbelief. "Aren't we both male? I mean, I thought that the Males can't make children!" Alex said with confusion.
"Even though that is true, there are some cases like yours that have actually happened. But it's pretty rare for it to happen. So, that is why I say congratulations." She explains.
Alex looked at me. I looked at him. We were both shocked. "I'll give you two a minute in peace. You two can leave whenever you like." She says, "have a good night!" She left us in the room and cracked the door so we could get out.
"S-Simon... I...I" Alex started. But I put my finger to his lips.
"Alex..." I smiled at him once my thoughts were back. "If you want to keep the baby, then I'll be there to support you and help you. This is our baby. I've always wanted to be a dad in some part in my life. I just didn't think it would come this early." Alex looked at me as if I answered a question that was on his mind. "Thank you.. honey." He says and I smile wide. "I Love you..."
"I Love you Too hun." I say. Then I go down to his stomach. "And Daddy loves his child too." I say. Alex giggles and gets up. "So, we're gonna have to tell the others. I mean.... Everyone will see it and they'll figure it out if we don't tell them." Alex says.
"Yeah, but we'll have to wait until Julia gets there." I say.
He nodded. We left and walked home.

We got there in an hour. We opened the door. No one was awake yet, thank God. And we went to my room, and layed down. We were snuggling and kissing each other as we fell asleep.

Alex's POV {First Person}

I wake up to see Simon gone. I feel REALLY hungry! Geez, is this what it's like to be pregnant? Well, now I'm gonna be eating for two people. I wonder how the others would react when we tell them. They'll probably be shocked and angery. I don't care what they'll think. I'm keeping the baby no matter what. I got up and went to the kitchen. I sat next to Simon as a plate of pancakes were in front of me. I started eating.
When I finished, I was still hungry. But I knew I couldn't eat more or else I'll puke again. We heard a knock at the door. It was mom. Well, here we go... "You ready Simon?" I whispered in his ear.
"Yeah.. let's do this."
We walked into the living room. Then, once we got onto the table, we noticed Samantha with Miles here. "Everyone please come into the Living room!" Dave said. We sat down and listened as the others came into the living room. "First, Samantha and I aren't dating anymore." Dave said. We all looked shocked. "Yup, me and Dave talked about it and we figured out that we're better off being just good and close friends!" Sam added.
"Second," Dave and Mom.... KISS!!! I started fangirling in my head. While on the outside, I smiled. They broke the kiss. "We've secretly been dating during the rest of summer!" Mom said.
Everyone was shocked to hear this, exept me. "You ready?" I whispered in Simon's ear.
He nodded and started. "And on the topic on surprises, me and Alex have something to tell you all..." They all looked at us and we held paws. I breathed in and out. "I'm pregnant with Simons child." I say.
Everyone looked at us in shock. As if someone just came by and slapped them in the face. Dave went in front of Simon, kneeled down and said. "Simon.... Have you ever heard of protection?"
We all burst out laughing. Dave made a joke at the most unexpected time. Plus, who makes chipmunk sized condoms? Mom kneeled in front of me too. "I'm gonna be a Grandma!" She said with little tears in her eyes.
"And, comes the third suprise," Dave started. Mom showed a ring on her ring finger. An engagement ring! "Me and Dave are gonna get married!" Mom said with only happiness. "And Simon, you and Alex can still be boyfriend's. And next time you plan on doing you know what with Alex, please tell me. Ok? I'll even make you protection and make sure no one walks in on you two." Dave said. Simon and I were shocked, but nodded yes. We were gonna be step-brothers, but also boyfriends, and also parents of this child. Ok! I kissed Simon on the cheek and smiled warmly at him. He looked at me and smiled as well. We looked at the rest in the room giving us happy and approving looks. Alvin and Theo were gonna be uncle's. That is just Mind blowing. Dave- I mean, Dad sat on the sofa with Mom and me and Simon sat on the other side of them. We snuggled each other and made out every 5 minutes. Just like yesterday. I was so happy to be pregnant. I didn't want to be with anyone else. Only with Simon. And I was happy he was the father of this child.

(So... Was it worth the wait? I hope so cause I have to head to a party now!! 😫😫😫 So much stress in one day!! Oh well... I don't care.... Anyway, I'm sorry this is short, but again, I have to make it to a party. So, until next Chapter, Bye!!)

Alex (my oc) x SimonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz