Ch28- Bullies pt2

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Alex POV {First Person}
It's been two weeks. My stomach has grown a little with the baby growing inside. Luckily this year is the last year of school before it's all over. But, I knew one thing. The first two weeks of school are peaceful because the bullies, that I've figured out the names of, Derick and Ryan, aren't at the school. But once their back, well, nothing can stop them.... This day terrified me. I'm right now in the hospital next to Simon. I can't stop thinking about what I found.

I was walking down the hallway to head to my locker. Simon told me that I would meet him there. Once I turned the corner, that's when I saw it.... Derick was walking away as Simon was coughing up blood, tears pouring from his eyes. I sprinted the best I could to Simon and was in front of him, asking questions like, "WHAT HAPPENED?! DID DERICK DO THIS TO YOU?! ARE YOU OK?!"
Simon couldn't speak, but he nodded at the last two questions, yes and no. In that order. I picked him up bridal style and ran the the nurse's office. Simon passed out once we made it. I explained the best I could. Tears were in my eyes. If only I was there.....

One hour passed, we were in the hospital and we got the results. He's gonna live, but it'll take him a while to wake up. We are only Chipmunks, not someone's play toy! I sat next to Simon and cried in my hands. "Please wake up..... Please..... I need you....." I say.

"Alex!! I heard what happened! Is Simon ok?!" Ross bursted in and said.
Ross looked at me. I figured out that Ross is a he. He climbed on to the bed and sat next to me. He put a paw on my shoulder as the others came in. I only looked at Simon. My heart ached. The image of my boyfriend hurt like that appeared in my head. Tears poured out of my eyes. I put my paw on Simon. Then, I laid next to him. I held my boyfriend close. I wasn't gonna let go. Derick was gonna pay.

Simon's POV {First Person}
I opened my eyes slowly. I felt a tiny pain, but I didn't take note of it. Once my eyes were open all the way, I saw Alex. His eyes bloodshot red. His head was on my chest. He was still crying I suppose. "A-Alex?" I said. I didn't know where I was.
Alex looked up with happiness, relief, and more tears. "SIMON! YOU'RE AWAKE!"
He hugged me tightly. I sat up and looked around the room to see the others. The chipetts weren't here because I knew they were too busy with work. Dave and Julia looked at me with relief. Before I could say anything else, Alex pressed his lips against mine, kissing me. I kissed him back. I could tell he was petrified from the experience. I broke the kiss. We smiled at each other. I couldn't help but blush a little, looking into his eyes. The nurse came in. "Hello Mr. Seville! I see you are awake! You may leave any time." She informed and left.

It was the next day. I was in school again. I was alert. I didn't want to bump into Derick again. "HEY! Gaywad!?" It was Derick.... Oh no...
I turned around to be pinned against the wall roughly. "Fucking freak. You wanna know something? Alex doesn't love you! So take your gay ass and go into the ground!" Derick said.
He punched me in the face and dropped me. And as he walked away, he said, "Fucking worthless piece of shit freak show."
I sobbed in the hallway. Did Alex not love me? No.... He does love me! He confessed his feelings to me!... Right?
"Simon?!" I heard Alex scream. In 2 seconds, he was next to me, comforting me. "Simon, what happened?!"
More tears came out, I asked... "Alex.... Do you really love me?"

Alex POV {First Person}
"Alex..... Do you really love me?"
I looked at Simon wide eyed. Did he really question if I loved him?! I knew then that Derick was behind this again. I moved his head towards me and kissed him passionately on the lips. I broke the kiss and looked at him in the eye. "Simon, I love you so much. You are my EVERYTHING. Without you, my life means nothing. No one can ever replace you. Nothing can ever replace you. I love you more than words can say. I love you Simon Seville."
Simon's eyes were pouring out more tears. But not out of sadness this time, but with happiness. He put his paws on my waist and brought me closer. He kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

1 hour passed and we broke the kiss. The Bell was about to ring for lunch. I knew that during lunch, I needed a little........ Talk with Derick.

After about 2 minutes, Derick finally woke up from his little...'nap.' I tied him down to a chair. "WHERE AM I?!" He snapped into the darkness. I replied. "You're in the schools basement... Idiot." My tone had complete rage in it. I grabbed my pocket knife and walked into the dim light. "What the Fuck do you want, FREAK?!" He says.
I reply to him by punching him in the face HARD and said, "You're so rude. Remember that you're the one that's tied down, not me..." I looked at him with a psychopathic look on my face. I could only smile wide. I saw the fear in his eyes. "You see, you're here because you hurt my boyfriend mentally and put him into a hospital.... I can't let that go.....
U N P U N I S H E D . . . ." I say.
I start. I know how I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him. Then I'm gonna brainwash him. I'm gonna make him wish he never messed with Simon.

"Ok! So, Derick! What have we learned today?" I ask.
"That I'm worthless and no one cares about me....." He says. I smile.
"If I ever hurt Simon or mess with Simon ever again then you'll kill me."
"Okay! Now, what's the final thing I taught you?"
"If I tell anyone, then you'll make it to where I wish that I was never born..."
I smile at the fact that the brainwash was a success. He had bruises and little scratches on his body. They were patched up though. But I made sure it was painful to him.
"Good job! Now, we're gonna leave!..
...... You know what will happen if you don't obey....." I say. I winked at him as I untied him. We left the basement and went on our own merry ways.

Simon's POV {First Person}

As I walked down the hallway to get to my class, I say Derick... Oh no.... I was ready for him to hurt me, but instead, he walked right passed me. I know he saw me. He even looked at me! That was weird... I went to class. I didn't have time to think this, in fact. I take it as a win.

Alex POV {First Person}

I saw Simon walk to the classroom. I smiled that Derick followed directions. He won't hurt Simon any more. And I know that Ryan just follows Derick's decisions, do I didn't need to worry about him. I will always protect Simon. I love him too much for him to get hurt. Either way, I went to class. Simon won't be hurt anymore.



= )

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