Ch25- Alex is WHAT?!?

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It was the last day of summer. School was tomorrow and me and mom were hanging out with the Seville family. I was talking to my boyfriend and he then randomly got close to my ear. "Meet me in the basement in 5 minutes." He said in a horny tone. I blushed and laughed. "O-ok!"
5 minutes pass and I go into the basement after shutting and locking the door. I looked at the bed on the floor as Simon was laying on it. Fully naked. And as hard as he can be. He motioned his finger for me to come to him. I took off all my clothes and complied as we started.

It's been a week. It was Friday and we just got out of school. "Hey Alex! You wanna come to our place?" Simon asked me.
"Sure! If it's ok with Mom." I say.
As if on cue, Mom and Dave drive by. I scampered over to Mom. "Hey mom, can I go to Simon's?"
She looked at me and smiled. "If you wanna spend some time with your boyfriend, then you can go any time. Ok?"
"Yes! Thank you! I love you, bye!" I say to my Mom and get into Dave's car.
After we got inside. Everyone was doing their own thing. Me and Simon were cuddling on the couch and sometimes making out with each other. To be precise, it was about every 5 minutes we made out. After 2 more minutes cuddling. I had the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom, not closing the door, and puked in the toilet. Simon followed to make sure I was ok. "Alex... Are you sick?" Simon asked after I was done. I got onto the sink and rinsed my mouth out.
"I feel fine. I mean, I really don't feel sick. I just felt like I had to throw up..." I say. We were both confused. "Should we tell Dave?"
"Definitely." Simon said matter of a factly.
We went to Dave witch was working on dinner. "Dave, Alex just threw up and he says that he doesn't feel sick." Simon explained.
Dave looked at me and grabbed a thermometer and checked my temperature. "You don't have a fever." Dave said.
"Then... Why did I puke?" I was even more confused now!
"Look, you probably had and upset stomach. It's ok, how about we go back into the couch, huh?" Simon said and I agreed.
We went onto the couch and continued making out with him. "I love you." I breathed out while I broke the kiss momentarily. Then I pushed my lips back on. He pulled away momentarily and breathed out, "I love you too." He's so nice. So caring. No one can replace Simon. No. One.

"Dinners ready!!" Dave calls. Me and Simon weren't listening, still making out on the couch. Dave walks to us. "Guys," We stop and look at Dave a little bit sad that we can't continue "Dinners ready, time to eat!"
I give him a little peck on the lips before helping him up. "Thanks!" Simon says.
"No problem." I say.
We hold paws to the dinner table and we sit down together. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. I LOVE spaghetti! Me and Simon shared a plate. Romantic.

Simon's POV {First Person}

We finish eating. Alex and I were about to go on to the couch again until Alex rushed to the bathroom again. I hurried after and saw him puke again. He rinsed is mouth out again. "Alex, are you sure that you don't feel sick?" I ask. I was starting to get worried. He's MY boyfriend. I wanna make sure he's ok!
"I-I'm sure Simon! I don't know why I'm puking!" Alex said, his voice a little shaky of fear.
"How about we try to sleep, huh?"
"Y-Yeah... Ok.."
I carry him bridal style to my room. Alex was snuggling me under my chin, blushing hard. I put him on my bed to see his playmate up and ready for me. I go completely naked once I closed the door and screamed good night to my family. I got on top of Alex and unclothed him. He was blushing all the while. After I was done, both of us were hard and I put my member against his as I start kissing him. I start bucking my hips hard as Alex and me gasp and moan in our kiss. This was gonna be a good night.....

I woke up to the sound in the bathroom. I look beside me and see Alex isn't here. Oh no, don't tell me he's..... I got up and put on my boxers as I head to the bathroom. I look in and see the one thing I didn't want to see. Alex puking again. I saw his eyes. He looked terrified. He was also crying. Once he was done, he rinsed his mouth out like always and saw me. He ran and hugged me, crying.
"Wh-What's happening t-to m-me?!"
"I don't know, but we'll figure it out.." I reassured. I got an idea. it might be a bad one, but we had to do it. "Alex, crazy idea, but let's go to the hospital and see what's wrong with you. Maybe you have a cold and your only getting one symptom, y'know?"
He looked at me in a weird way, but them his look turned into a thank you look. "L-lets do it. But, let's not tell anyone unless it's important. Ok?" Alex tells me.
I carried him bridal style out the door and to the hospital. I was pretty sure he was week after puking most of his bowels out.

We made it to the hospital and we went inside. I put Alex down onto a chair and I go the the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am?" I start. She looked at me and smiled.
"Hello! How may I help you?" She said. I could already tell she was a fan.
"My boyfriend, can you please help him? He puked before and after when he ate last night's dinner. Then he pukes in the bathroom early in the morning."
She looked at me with confusion. "Sir, do you know what time it is?"
"No." I say that as soon as she shows me the time. It was 11:51 PM. "Oh, but still. Can you please help my boyfriend?"
"We'll do our best." She says. "Go ahead and wait on the chairs, a doctor will come and take him to his room and he'll be examined." She tells me and I comply. A lady doctor came in and tried to take Alex. But he resisted and held onto my arm in fear. I kissed him on the cheek. "It'll be ok, she's gonna help us understand what's happening to you, ok?" I say in a calm yet quiet voice. He let go as he was taken into another room. I hoped and prayed that Alex was ok. I loved him. If he died, I don't know what I'll do without him. He's my everything....

1 hour passed and at this point I was pacing back and forth. I was now getting impatient. "Mr. Seville?" I look up to see Alex's doctor. "Yes?"
"We have the results. Please follow me to Alex's room." She said.
We started walking. But then I started running as I got closer to his door.
Once we were there, she opened the door and I immediately hugged Alex as he said, "Simon!"
He broke the hug and instead kissed me.i kissed back obviously. Why wouldn't I? "Ok you two. It's time for you to hear the results. It's kina shocking." She said as we broke the kiss. We looked at her and she smiled at us. "You see.... Alex is

(CLIFFHANGER!!!! Sorry, I wanna create suspense and I wanna see if you can guess what's going on with Alex! I gotta go make the other chapter, Bye!)

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