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I happily go home, open the door and get in:
-Chester! I'm home!-I say to my dog.

The moment he hears me, he comes running to me, and almost tackles me  to the ground.

I go to my room and put on something more comfortable. A sweatshirt and sweatpants. The most comfortable clothes in the world❤.

I make my way to the kitchen, open the fridge, and  take out the wine my mom gave me before moving out.

Yeah, my mom is pretty cool.

I take out a wine glass, and fill it with a little bit of my wine.

I drink it and when it's over, I go to my room, get my laptop, and take it downstairs, to the living room.

The funny thing in here is that, Chester is always following me everywhere I go. I believe that if he could go to the University with me, he would happily go.

I take my phone out of my pocket, it's already 6PM, it's better if I start making dinner.

Before I start my cooking lesson, I take my phone in my hand, and start blasting some Billie Eilish songs.


It's 6:50PM and voilà, dinner is ready.

Spaghetti! Yaaay.

I eat my food and go to the living room, and put on my favourite show, "Friends".

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing and it's my aunt, so I pick up:
-Emmy, sweetie, I had to come earlier, because Ava was too excited and was begging to be there earlier, so in 5 minutes I might be there, okay?
-Okay, no problem-I say and hang up.

And indeed, in 5 minutes, my aunt and cousin were already here:
-So, she needs to take this medicine at 8PM, don't worry, she already had dinner, and before going to bed, make sure she goes to the bathroom and also brushes her teeth, put her to bed at 21:30PM, and in her bag are some toys-My Aunt says, and I chuckle
-I know, you always tell me this when I'm with her
-I'm just making sure you don't forget-she says and laughs.

My cousin kisses my cheek and goes inside, and starts petting Chester:
-Okay, I'm gonna get going, bye sweetie-my aunt says and kisses my cheek
-Goodbye, Ava, come here to say goodbye-I call and she immediately comes, kisses her mom's cheek, waves and goes inside again.

My aunt goes to her car and drives off.

I close the door, and go to my couch, where Ava is:
-Emmy!Mum bought me new toys!-she squeals and opens her bag.


There was I, on the floor of my living room, playing with Ava with Little Pet Shops, when suddenly someone knocked on the door:
-Come on Ava, let's see who it is.

We both get up, go to the door, and I open it, seeing Harry standing there.

He looks at me and then looks at Ava.

Ava extends her hand for him to shake and says:
-Hello, my name is Ava, what's your name?

I try not to laugh, because this is adorable.

Harry chuckles a bit, but seems a little bit nervous. He shakes her hand and says:
-I'm Harry.

I step aside so he can get in.

We all go to the living room, where you can see a lot of toys scattered all over the floor:
-Emmy! Let's play!-Ava says happily
-I'm sorry sweetie, but I need to do a project, but if you want, you can help us! We are a little bit dumb-I say and she laughs and nods.

We all sit on the couch, and I turn on my laptop:
-What is your project about?-Ava asks
-Soulmates-Harry and I say unison.

The first thing I do when my laptop's on, is go to YouTube, and then again, put some Billie Eilish songs:
-How do you like Billie Eilish?-Harry asks and I roll my eyes
-How do you not like Billie Eilish?-Ava asks and I laugh loudly.

This is going to be fun.



This chapters are going to be fun I think, but... No promises ;)

I love you all my loves!

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