Beginning of the Travel

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Rave POV: 

  Since the trail, things have been crazy. Not only I have been helping the Hokage with missions and training some of the medical Ninjas some techniques my clan knows, but also organizing a plan to help with the Sand Village.  "Now according to Kazekage, the medical team knows normal basic healing jutus they are not sure any high skills jutus. That where you come in Raven, I want you to go to the Sand Village and teach them your family medical jutus maybe that will help them if they get to attack again." I nod in an agreement "Will I be going by myself? I  would like to ask her my sister to help me out with this mission, I know she is not part of the program but with the two us we can teach more Ninjas then ten at a time." I wasn't lying to her it would be easier to do. "Very well once your sister arrives you and her will go to the Sand Village and stay as long as you need to." I nodded and left the office 'I will send word to her once I get home, I know she has been stepping in for me as head of the family while I am here so I hope grandfather will help, but if he says no I need to think of a backup idea. It has to be someone from my family.' I thought and thought about "Raven-Sensei!!!!" My train of thought was broken by someone calling me, I turn around to see it is Hinata and Tenten "Oh hello Hinata and Tenten, how can I help you?" The girls try to check their breath before asking me "We heard that you are going to Sand Village soon to teach Medical Ninjas your family's techniques?" Tenten asked me still trying to catch her breath "I am in a few weeks, I am sending word to my sister to see if she will help me teach." Suddenly the two bows before me "Allow us to attend the classes Raven-Sensei!!" In a union, without missing a beat I was shocked to hear this request "As much as I would love if you guys can come but, you know it is not up to me it is up to the Hokage." 

   As much as I would love them to come because they didn't get a chance to learn from my last teachings because they were both on missions. "Very well we will ask her!" I hear Hinata "She is right we will ask Mi-Lady permission." All I could do is smile and nod my head I was so speechless to their answers that I could not think of anything to say. "Alright then let me know what she says." They nod their heads and rush to see the Hokage, I started to head home to write two letters one to my sister asking her if she would join me and another one to Gaara letting him know that I will be heading to Sand Village in few weeks. As I was walking home I see something in the window the same shop Gaara bought me my snowflake necklace.  I see a sand dial big enough you would put it on the desk. Remembering Gaara always works over time and forgets the time. I went into the shop and asked the owner if I can buy the sand dial, luckily it was for sale. Walking home with Gaara's gift in hand "I really hope he likes it." I say to myself. 

*A Few Hours Later* 

After finally writing the two letters to Nightengale and Gaara I get to relax at least for a little bit before I start dinner. I sat there hoping things go well I hear a knock at the door "Hmm? I wonder who that is?" I get up off the couch and head to the door, I open it to see it is Sai "Oh Sai! How can I help you?" I can tell something is bothering him "May I come in Lady Raven I have a favor to ask you?" I nod my head allow him inside, the last time I saw him was at the banquet we had for Gaara thanking Kakashi and Guy team for saving him. I lead him into the living room. "Would you like some tea? I just bought some green tea yesterday?" He nods his head yes, "So what brings you here? I am hoping Naruto and Sakura aren't giving you a hard time I know at the beginning it wasn't that great haha." I hear him laugh a little bit. "Things are going well I am still learning how to express one's emotions but still it is difficult, to be honest."  I place the cups on the table, Sai takes the cup and drinks some of the tea "Yes it can be being in ANBU you have to learn to contain your emotions especially in combat but I know you will in due time now tell me what brings you here today?" I asked him while I grab my tea so I can drink it. I watch him place his cup on the table "Lady Raven how does one make a bond with someone?" I was surprised by his question "You see I would like to make a bond with Naruto and Sakura but I don't know how. I have read in a book over and over again I just don't know how to." I can tell he is getting annoyed by this, I place my tea down and leaned forward "Well you see Sai a bond is something that happens in time can't rush it if you get  to know the person and show them that they can trust you then a bond is created you just need to be patient and I know it is not an ANBU specialty haha." I can tell my answer helped answer a few questions he had in his head "Thank you Lady Raven that means a lot." I smiled at him, after our conversation he left about a minute later I see my sister's owl "I see sister has responded to my letter." 

Dear Raven, 

  Thank you for the invite to the Sand Village but unfortunately, I can not go, however, I will send our cousin Mei to help you with your request she will be there in four days please send me a letter once you two leave for the Sand Village and when you return. 

Your Truly, 


I sigh out of anonymous 'grandfather never lets her leave the Village no matter what it's like he is trying to keep us like birds in a cage. However, I hope Mei can help me with teachings at the Sand Village last time I saw her she couldn't do a simple jutus.' I thought to myself, I start walking to the kitchen to make dinner "Well tomorrow I will let the Hokage know my cousin will be joining me on the mission I hope she lets Ino and Hinata join us." 

*Four Days Later*

  I let Hokage know that my cousin will be joining me to the Sand Village and she allowed Ino and Hinata to join us since they missed the teachings here, "Ah Lady Raven what brings you here to the front gate?" I hear someone talking to me "Good afternoon, by chance you seen a young girl with a mist bandana come this way? You see she is my cousin." Before they can respond to my question I hear my name being shouted I turned around there she was "Speaking of the devil never mind guys carry on, Mei you are late!" I see my cousin running up to me catching her breath "I am sorry Lady Raven grandfather took longer on his lecture than usual so I was running late." I sigh 'Geez when is he going stop with that lecture on remember always honor the family no matter where you go lecture.'  I place my hand on her shoulder "It's okay I understand so shall we go introduce yourself to the Hokage and the two other members who will be joining us on this mission?" I can see a smile forming on her face "Yes Lady Raven!" As we started walking to Hokage's office I see Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato in the field "Hold on Mei I want to see what they are up to." She nods her head, we started walking to them and I see Naruto is training "Good afternoon gentlemen." I see Yamato and Kakashi get up and bow before me "Good afternoon Lady Raven, oh who is this?" I hear Kakashi ask "Oh this is my cousin Mei she just got here and she will be helping me with the mission in the Sand Village, may I ask what you two are doing with Naruto?" 

  "We are teaching Naruto how to change his chakra's nature and it's formed, we found out he is a wind type just like you Lady Raven," Yamato responds to my question. I walk up to Naruto "Training hard I see Naruto?" He turns towards me direction "Ah Raven-Sensei yes I am! Oh, that reminds me you have wind chakra correct?" I nod my head "I do my whole clan is wind types I will show you." I did a hand sign and I form a wind style shuriken "WOW!!! THAT'S SO COOL!!!" I start to laugh I knew this would surprise him "Most wind types like you and me use the wind as our weapon, for example, this shuriken I am using the wind to create it. My cousin Mei over there can make daggers with the wind." I look towards her and she nods her head in agreement. "Say Raven-Sensei will you teach some wind jutus!" I start to laugh and I put a finger "Only when you are done with your training with Kakashi, once you master that technique then I will show you some wind jutus fair enough?" Naruto nods his head in excitement.  I see Kakashi walk to me "Are you sure Lady Raven? Naruto is very hard to train." I looked at Mei and she looked at me we both laughing, Kakashi and Yamato look confused on why we were laughing "Hana the little girl you meet is just like Naruto so we are used to it, to be honest with you, and besides out jutus are not secret the one we can't teach him is the ice style since it is our clans curse. But to be honest I would not be surprised his second chakra nature would be water or lighting with the wind nature either or would make any Ninja strong." Kakashi and Yamato looked at me and then at Naruto "You may be right about that Lady Raven I would not be surprised either." Kakashi tells me still looking at Naruto. 

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