The Banquet Part Two

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Gaara POV: 

   I walked back into the kitchen when I hear Raven gave out a small yell "Raven are you okay?" I walked up to her quickly, I looked down and see she cut her finger from the knife. "I am okay Gaara it's small cut don't need to worry." 'not worry! she finger is bleeding and she tells me not to worry.' I sighed and looked around the kitchen to find the first aid kit, finally did and bring it back to where she was standing "Gaara that is not necessary it will stop bleeding soon." I didn't listen to her I cleaned the wound and put a band aid on it. "I know that Raven but I don't want it get infected, and besides it's not good to cook with a finger that is bleeding." I hear a little giggle coming from her, I looked up "Well thank you very Gaara-kun." Gives me sweetest smile ever, I couldn't help but to blush then I remember what she called me "Are you giving me a nickname?" She looked down "I hope you don't mind the nickname, if you don't like it I won't call you that." I smiled because she started to get shy around me "I don't mind the nickname snow flower." Her eyes widen by the nickname I gave her I start to blush when I saw her reaction to the nickname. 

  "Do you like the nickname?" She starts to smile "Yes I do a lot!" makes me happy to hear that I give her a big smile "Well then for now on I will call you that when we are together fair enough?" she shakes her head in agreement. We just finished cooking everything, Raven went into the living room to ask Temari and Kankuro for some help us out. Finally got all the food into the banquet hall where we are having the meal at. I looked down at the sliver wear and plates we are using for the meals. They were sliver with a black line going around the plate "Do you like them Gaara? There only plates I have." I looked at Raven and I smiled "I do actually they are very modern." Everyone starts to enter the main hall for dinner. 

Raven POV: 

   I decided to seat next to Gaara and Sakura, I start to giggle when I see Choji drooling over the food I have made. "Raven-sensei you made all this?" I hear Hinata asking me "Yup! with the help from Gaara and Temari without their help I wouldn't got it done in time."  I winked at Gaara which made him blush like crazy "Now everyone please dig in!" everyone starts to eat "This is delicious Raven-sensei!" I hear Choji giggled seeing him swallow all the food "YOU IDIOT! SAME SOME FOR US!" hearing Ino and watching her hitting  so hard in the head the poor guy was crying. I couldn't help it but laugh "Raven-sensei what's so funny?" I hear Hinata asking me "The way Ino treats Choji reminds me of my siblings so much." 

    "Oh? How do they act like Raven-sensei?" I hear Neji asking me I take a bite of my food before answering him. "Well just like the way Ino act  my sister would do the same thing towards my brother, my brother can be air head sometimes so my sister would hit him so hard in the head thinking it might put sense in his brain."  I hear Sakura laughing "That is siblings for you, does your brother and sister protect you Lady Raven?" I take a sip of my tea "To be honest my brother would but when it came to my sister I actually was the one that protect her, specially from the boys in the village." It was true when it came to me and my sister I would protect her so many times to point she hated it. I remember she told me that she was going to get strong to point that she didn't need me to defend her anymore, I don't blame her I would hate it too. "What are their name Lady Raven?" I looked at Gaara I can see he wants to know more about me "Oh! Their names are Rin and Nightgale." I see Naruto's hand in the air "Yes Naruto you have a question?" He shakes his head yes, "Did you make this ramen for me?"  I nod my head in agreement "Yes I did in matter act! Gaara told me you like ramen so I made it, sorry there is no pork Naruto the market ran out of it." Putting my hand back of my hand and rubbing it I felt bad that I couldn't make it the way Naruto order it all the time.  I looked at Naruto and he is crying 'eh? why is crying is it that bad? I mean I made it just like the recipe said to' I think to myself "THIS IS THE BEST RAMEN I EVER HAD! THANK YOU SENSEI!!!" I was shocked when he said that "I agree with Naruto the food is yummy Lady Raven." I hear Kakashi, before I could respond everyone at once said "THANK YOU RAVEN-SENSEI!"  I start to cry because I was so happy to hear those nice words from everyone, I wiped my tears away and smile "You are welcome guys! And please come over whenever you feel like your company is very welcome here." 

Gaara POV: 

   Made me happy to see Raven having a good time, then I remember something "Oh Raven by the way before we hang out Lady Hokage wanted to speak with me, it shouldn't take long." She nods in agreement "That's fine I have to pick up few things I can meet you at office if you like?" I smile and nod my head, 'I never knew she was so understanding, true that I got to know little about her but I still don't know a lot about her.' My thoughts were interrupted by a finger in my face it was Raven's finger "However! You have to plan the whole day for us!" I was surprised for a moment then calmly start to mellow out and nod my head "Agree!"  Suddenly I hear a bird outside everyone including me looked towards the door, "Excuse me for a moment." Hearing Raven telling everyone, I watched her get up and go to the door that takes you outside. I see a white owl there with a letter in it's mouth 'A message bird?' I thought to myself. 

Raven POV: 

I see Midnight my pet owl with a letter in her mouth "What do we have here?" I grabbed the letter and flew to her bird nest that I made for her. 'ah! a letter from Lady Mizukage.' I thought to myself, I opened the letter and I was complete shocked when I read it. 

Dear Raven, 

   I am forming you that the man who raped you two years ago is finally getting justice for what he has done. Two other victims step forward and told me what happen to them, we are going to start preparing a trail for him and I want you to be there during this trail. Your testimony is very important to this case.  Please Raven I know that you are scared to face him and scared what your brother would do now that he is head of the family, but with your help we can but this man behind bars. 

   Please send me a letter when you are on your way, you are allowed a few friends for support during this trail. I am not going to lie the council will bring up the past and make you sound like you are plotting against his family,however; you must be strong Raven because I know you will pull throw. 

Your Truly, 

Lady Mizukage.  

 After reading the letter my entire body starts to shake in fear 'why? Why after this whole time why does this have to happen now!' I got up and walked back to the table putting the letter inside my outfit. I sat down and I can see everyone was curious about the owl "Oh don't worry about it, by the way after dinner Kakashi, Sakura and Hinata can I see you I have something tell you." I looked at Gaara he can tell something is up 'I don't want tell him about that horrible memory but I don't hide anything from him.' I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it little bit "I will tell you tomorrow I promise." He nods in return but I can tell he wants to know now, just perfect I leave the village to get away from him and now I have to go back see the monster that ruined me. I sighed and continue eating my dinner. My mind was rushing trying to figure out how to explain this two Sakura, Hinata and Kakashi the reason why I want them go with me it because I trust them the most. I looked at Gaara watching him eat his food and I can tell he wondering what I have to tell him 'I am scared if I tell him he won't go out with me no more.' I stop eating because I was starting to get upset, it's not fair! Why can't this happen later on in the week, no! it had to happen around the time Gaara and his siblings come and visit. 'This is so not fair!' 

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