I Am Home Now!

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Gaara POV:

Raven hugging me and crying in my shoulder, I held her so tight in my arms "You are saved now, Raven. I will protect you now." I can feel her nodding her head in my arms "Thank you Gaara you are the best." I let go of her I can see the tears coming down I gently wiped them away because one of her eyes was swollen from being hit, "Glad you are safe now Lady Raven!" I and Raven looked towards where the voice was coming from it were from Kakashi, "Yes I am thank you Kakashi now I am happy I picked you to come with me to Village of the Mist." I can see that Raven is trying to get up "Here Raven let me help you." I tell her she nods her head, I picked her up bridal style "Gaara! What are you doing???" I can see her blushing madly which I thought was kinda cute to watch, I give out little giggle "I am helping you remember I didn't say how though now relax okay Raven I won't drop you." She gives me a pout expression basically telling me 'fine you win this round Gaara.' 

     I see Temari, Kankuro, and Yamato coming towards us "What do you want to do with these guys Gaara?" I hear Kankuro ask me before I could answer I sense more people coming. I turned around to see the ANBU Black Ops there "Lord Kazekage how is Lady Raven? Is she hurt?" I hear one of them asking me I turned around to show them, Raven. "She is fine pretty bang up and has a wound on her neck but she is fine, we just discussing what we should do with these Shinobis." As I turned my head to look at the five Shinobis tied up, they nodded their heads in agree "I am glad that Lady Raven and all of you are fine, Lady Mizukage wants to punish these Shinobis herself what they have done today." One of the ANBU Black Ops responded to me. "Very well I leave these Shinobis in your care ANBU let us leave I am guessing Lady Nightingale is worried about her big sister." I responded all of us left the bridge I did not once turn my head to look at the mist ninjas. 

    As we were moving through the forest I looked down at Raven and I can see she fell asleep in my arms 'she must be exhausted from what ha today, I am glad she is safe now.' I hear footsteps coming towards me I look up to see its Kankuro "How she Gaara?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face, I smiled at him "She is fine just resting the remarkable thing is some how the wound on her neck is starting to heal." As I look at it carefully the entire wound was almost healed "I am not surprised." I turned around to see it's Yamato that was talking "What you mean by that Captain Yamato?" Temari asked him with a serious look on his face I nod in a agree what did he mean he is not surprised by it? "You see Lady Raven blood has a special power to it when ever they are wounded on the battle field the blood heals them it's a special medical jutsu that only Lady Raven's clan can do." My eyes widen in shock, looked back down at Raven and sure enough, some of the wounds are already healing. The only one that is not healed is her right eye 'that makes sense when Shinta was beating her up her blood was already healing her after every blow, that's why she didn't look that bad when we saved her from him.' 

      We finally arrived back to the trail halls to see all the Kato's clan tied up 'I see Lady Mizukage have things in order.' My thoughts were interrupted by a yelled "RAVEN!" I look to see who was yelling it was Raven's brother Rin, Nightingale, and everyone else ran towards us "Is she alright Lord Kazekage?" I hear Rin asking me I nod my head "Yes she is fine little bang up but she is fine." I can see realize from everyone eyes, "How did the clan get inside and pass the Shinobis that were guarding the trail?" I asked Lady Mizukage I can see her folding her arms "The guards were all put under a genjutsu, it seems the reason why they broke into the trail was to kidnap Raven and the others girls murder Raven so Shinta doesn't go to jail for this crime."  I grind my teeth with rage did all this because he didn't want to face the consequence of his mistakes. "Where is Shinta by the way Lord Kazekage?" I place Raven in Rin's arms I watch him take Raven away "With ANBU Black Ops, I assume you sent them?" I said slowly getting up, Lady Mizukage nods her head "Yes I did I am just surprised you didn't kill him." I shake my head no "Even though that man deserve it, I didn't want take the justice away from you Lady Mizukage." I hear a chuckle from her "Well I see why Raven likes you, now go to her Kazekage I assume she would be happy to see you when she wakes up." She tells me walking away from everyone, I did as she tells me I followed Rin to the emergency room. 

Raven POV: 

   I finally wake up my left eye still hurting me "Raven your wake?" I hear someone voice, I turned to my left and I see Gaara sitting there with relieved on his face I can tell that he was worried about me this whole time. "Gaara where am I?" I asked him trying to get up but a sharp pain hit me I moan out of pain, "Raven you must lay back down your not healed enough to get up, your in an emergency room." I did as Gaara told me to do I lay back down, my whole body was in pain as if someone just throws twenty-pound rocks on top of me. "I am sorry Gaara for everything." I start to cry I felt like all that happened today was my fault, I felt something on my face it was Gaara's hand gently wiping away my tears "Do not blame yourself, Raven, this is not your fault at all, I am just glad you are safe now and I will be here by your side until you feel better." He grabs my hand and squeezes it to show me that everything will be okay. I nod my head and went back to sleep. 

Three Days Later:

    I finally recover from my injuries, Shinta and the rest of his clan were sent to jail for their crimes which I was so happy about. Gaara had to leave early because the Sand Village need him to come back. I was still laying in the emergency bed looking out the window missing Gaara, the sad part was I didn't get the chance to tell him how I feel. "Do not worry Raven Sensei you will see him again soon." I looked at Sakura as she was peeling a orange for me, she has been using her medical jutsu to help me get better. "I know Sakura it just sucked that I didn't get the chance to tell him how I feel. I hope I can soon, so when can we leave to the Leaf Village?" I asked her I can tell she was surprised to my question "But I thought you were going to stay here Sensei? Since Shinta is arrested and charge for his crime." She does have a moment the reason why I sign up for the program was get away from him but that's not my reason no more. "*Shake my head* Nope I won't go back to Leaf Village it is my new home after all and besides who going teach you more medical jutsu."  I can tell that Sakura was thrilled that I am going back with them, I smiled for a moment when I remember I said the word home. I looked out the window once again and smiled 'I will be home very soon and I can finally put all this behind me.'  I was finally released from the hospital I was getting into my gear when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I told the person it was my sister "Sis? What are you doing here? I thought you be back training new ANBU?" She walks up to me in silence and gave me a hug, I was shocked my sister never been a conservative person always kept her emotions to herself. "I am glad that you are safe Raven and that your family will be here when you ever want to come home. I am not have said this to you but I want you to know that I am proud of you and I know mom would be too if she saw you today." I couldn't help but start to cry I urine to hear those words from her, I always thought that I have disappointed her is so many ways, I gave her a hug back "Thank you sister you don't know how long I have waited to hear you saying that. I will be home soon I promise."  

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