Are You Ready?

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The Next Morning 

 Raven POV: 

   I woke up with arm across my waist I was confused on who it belongs to, I turned around and I started to blush. It was Gaara sleeping quietly 'when did he come in my room?' I thought to myself, I gently push him to wake up "Gaara wakes up, it's already morning." I hear him yawn and started to rub his eye 'awe he so cute in the morning.' I say to myself while watching him wake up "morning Raven." He says to me while yawning "Umm... Gaara when did you come into my room?" I ask him without blushes like crazy, he sits up and looks at me "Oh I heard you yelling last night so I came to hear to check on you don't remember?" He asked me then I thought about it. 


  "No stay away!" yelling top of my lungs sitting air as if someone was standing on top of me. "Raven! Raven wake up!" I finally woke up from my nightmare I looked where the voice was coming from it was Gaara and he was standing next to my bad. "Gaara...I'm sorry for waking you." He shakes his head "It's fine are you okay?" I start to cry and my shake my head "No I am not okay Gaara I hate having these nightmares I just want them to go away!" Gaara pulls me up and starts to hug me, I just cried on his shoulder "It's okay Raven I am here now you are not alone." Hearing him say those words I know he wasn't lying. 

 I pulled back and wiped my eyes "Thank you Gaara that is twice now you comforted me...sorry I am making this a habit." He pulls my chin to look at him I can tell that he is worried about me "I don't mind Raven you can use me as a pillow anytime." I smiled at him and smiles back "Umm... Gaara can you stay with me tonight I really don't want to be alone." I try to say it without blushing 'great now he would think that I am a home record because I want him to stay with me.' I thought to myself I hear a little giggle from him, I looked up he gives me cutest smile I ever have seen "Of course if that was you wish then I have no problem with it."  I scoot over to make room for him, he crawls into my bed and we both lay back down. I start drifting back to sleep "Good night Gaara and thank you." I feel his warm arm wrapped around me it brought me closer to Gaara, I was so tired I didn't care "Good night Raven and you're welcome." I smiled when he said that and started to drift to sleep. 

End of Flashback 

"Oh yeah, now I remember I am sorry." Rubbing back of my neck out of embarrassment then I felt a Gaara giving me a hug "Don't be sorry Raven, it is not your fault you are having nightmares."  My stomach starts to rumble I started to blush, I hear Gaara laughing "I am guessing you are hungry huh?" I nod my head "Let me make you guys breakfast." Gaara nods his head, he gets up and takes my hand and helps me get out of bed. We head to kitchen and start to smell something good, finally reach the kitchen and see Temari and Kankuro there. "Good morning you too, we couldn't wait so we start making food hope you are hungry." I hear Temari telling us, "I am sorry I am the one that supposes to cook for you guys." I tell them rubbing back of my neck. I hear Kankuro giggle "Don't worry about it Raven, besides you have other things on your mind." He was right I have to ask Hokage permission if I can have Sakura, Hinata, and Kakashi if they can go with me to Mist Village. "Hey, Gaara I have to go and see Hokage are we still hanging out later?" He nods "Yes let me go with you I need to see her too." I nod my head, I went back to my room to change my clothes. I put on some shorts, stockings, and a long shirt. I head to the living room and see Gaara in his ninja clothes "Ready?" He nods his head and we head out of the door. 

Hokage's Office 

Gaara POV: 

 " *sighs* I see well I have no problem them going with you Raven, however; since you are heir to your clan this will be an escort mission it is the only way they can go with you understand?" I see Raven nods her head "Of Course Mid-lady and thank you I will send a report once we reach the Mist Village."  I see Lady Hokage nods her head "Good and send me a report when you are heading back, now excuse me and the Kazekage we have an important conversation to discuss." I looked at Raven wink at her to let her know I will see her afterward, she nods her head and leaves the room. "I see now what your real reason for coming to the village." I hear Lady Hokage giggle at me, I turn my head back to her and smile "I am sorry for lying to you Hokage but I really wanted to see her again." I promise myself not to lie anymore especially to the Hokage, she starts to laugh again "I don't blame you, Raven, is a wonderful shinobi and not to mention very pretty she reminds me of her mom every day." My eyes widen when I hear this "You knew her mom?" She nods her head, she places her chin on her folded hands "Quiet well actually her mom taught me few things in medical jutsu I wouldn't be good medical ninja without her help, it sad what happens to her now! Let's talk about business." 

Raven POV: 

 I finally find Sakura, Hinata, and Kakashi "Lady Hokage gave me permission of letting you guys go with me, however; it's an escort mission since I am heir to my clan." They all nod their heads "Makes sense the council won't let us go without a good reason but we need one more person to make this a four men quad." Kakashi had a point we needed one more person go with us in order for this mission to work. I was going through my head to think who would be good for the mission "How about one Gaara's siblings?" I hear Hinata say I look at her "Good idea Hinata but it has to be a Leaf ninja since this is a Leaf mission." I hear Sakura 'she had point as much as I want one the sand siblings go with us it is a Leaf mission.' I thought to myself "I good idea who will go with us." I come out of my thoughts and look at Kakashi "Who would that be Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura took the words right out of my mouth, "Yamato will go with us he is good ninja, now Lady Raven I hear that your clan has secret tunnels?" I nod my head I explain to them my clan uses these tunnels during the Great Ninja War to treat ninjas who were injured. "We can use the tunnels once we hit the ocean, I already sent word to Lady Mizukage to let her know we were coming." Kakashi nods his head "Good we will leave tomorrow morning bright in early, Lady Raven you lead us to the tunnels since you know where they are." I nod my head I started to get sad 'looks like I won't get to spend time with Gaara.' I feel a hand on my shoulder it was Sakura "Don't worry Sensei you'll get your date." She winks at me, I smile "Thanks Sakura that means a lot why don't you guys head home and get ready."

   They all nod their heads they went their separate ways I just there until I feel two arms wrapped around me "Sorry I am late snow flower Hokage wanted to talk." I started to smile because I knew it was I turned around and sure enough, I was right, it was Gaara. "It's okay Gaara-kun I just ended my conversation with the group who is going with me, we are heading out tomorrow." I can see he was a little sad but he understood then he smiled at me I was wondering why "Well I talked to the Hokage and I know this news might cheer you up a bit." I turn my head sideways and confused, he takes my hand into his own "Your going come to Sand Village for a few months and train the new Genin for the next Chunin Exams." My eyes widen of joy I jumped into Gaara's arms "THAT'S GREAT NEWS GAARA!!!"  He spins me around and hugs me back "Once you come to the Village then we will go on our date deal?" I nod my head out of joy "Deal!" 

The Next Morning

Raven POV: 

   I finally got all my supplies for the mission ready "You heading out now?" I look up to see it was Gaara, I nod my head "Yes I am the group should be at the main gate right now, would you like to walk me there?" I asked him he nods his head yes. I wake up Baelfire because I need him for this mission, luckily my house wasn't far from the gate. I see everyone there even Lady Hokage "Good morning Mid-Lady." She turns around and smiles "Good morning Raven, now that everyone is here the mission can begin." I stand next to Sakura and Gaara "Now your mission guys are to escort Raven Ichimaru back to Mist Village for the trail she is going to be in, keep her safe because not only Mizukage will have my head but so will her clan." I hear Lady Hokage telling them and I start to smiled inside 'she doesn't know half of it.' I tell myself, "Don't worry Mid-Lady! We will not fail you!" I hear Sakura tell Lady Hokage I looked at her and smile 'I am glad I met good friends.'  I feel a squeeze on my hand I look at Gaara and I can tell he is sad "Don't make us late Raven-sensei! You got ten minutes!" Sakura yells at me I couldn't help but to blush "Please be safe Raven and send me a message when you get there." Gaara tells me I can see he doesn't want me to go, I kiss his cheek and smile at him "I will and don't worry my friends will protect me." I give him a small kiss on the lips and I start heading towards everyone, I climb on Baelfire and head out of the Village 'there no turning back now!' I say to myself. 

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