jimin on the other hand was giving worried looks to jungkook who was back at texting to someone.


- I'll block u.

010-543-7993 ;

- You have changed so much Kookie.. where is the sweet little person who always wanted to play with me and treated everyone with some much love??


- look, I was a kid and now I'm not. I don't know where you got my number from but I'd appreciate if you deleted it. we have nothing to do with each other anymore.

010-543-7922 ;

- Please Kookie don't block me!!!!
I am so deeply sorry for everything that happened. I wanna make it up to you, I'm still your brother and I wanna take care of you. I know what you've been through, please give me a chance.


- if you were my brother, you would've taken me with you but you left me with those monsters. to me you're just one of those people who turned their back to me. there's nothing between us anymore. goodbye.

jungkook could feel the lump in his throat and his eyelids getting heavier due yhe tears that were wanting to push through. heart heavy as if giant rocks in a sack was placed there instead.. it felt like a rock slide had fell down onto his chest, pressing his lungs down. he couldn't possibly cry now, not in the classroom in fornt of the eyes of many.

in fact, he always had the feeling that this was bound to happen. he knew that this day would come, where he would have to take a step back to his past.

jimin was looking at jungkook. he noticed that he was texting with someone and saw his expression saddening. jungkook was pressing his nails on his skin, looking nervous.

you're so weak.

"jungkook-ah.." jimin whispered but jungkook ignored him.
"yah jungkook-ah.. I know you can hear me.. are you alright?"  jimin kept asking, jungkook didn't look at him but nodded quickly, he knew if he would meet his eyes with jimin, he might not be able to hold his tears in.

jimin was about to ask something until the teacher spoke to jungkook.

"jeon jungkook, is my teaching boring you?"

"uh no, I'm so sorry teacher, but I must go now." jungkook excused himself and exited the classroom rather quickly, not giving a chance for the teacher to even approve or disapprove. jungkook never skipped classes but he just couldn't be there right now. he felt vulnerable and he hated it. he hated how much his past still affected him.

if you would've given up years ago, you wouldn't be in pain right now.

junghyun obviously needs something from you, why else wait so long? there's absolutely no one who cares about you just release this emotion how you usually do-

"shut up.." jungkook whispered as he was walking fast towards his dorm, feeling his head pounding and the voices getting louder, the voices that has been haunting him as long as he can remember.

maybe he needs money

he probably knows that you got quite a lot of money after your grandma died

you are so pathetic if you really think that he cares about you

you are just fucked up loser, a bully

fuck the promises you gave to your grandma

she didn't care about you, just do it if u want she doesn't care, no one does

𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 | ᴊɪᴋᴏᴏᴋ    Where stories live. Discover now