You scared me!

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Neuro's POV

I open my eyes to see Turner sitting beside me holding my left hand while my right arm (the one that I landed on) is on a pillow, wrapped in a white cast. "What the heck happened?" is the first thing I say. "Neuro! Thank the spirit of the first spinjitzu master that you're awake!" Wait... what? How... were...? "Can someone please tell me what happened!?" "Well, I was talking to Jay and Nya when you just ran in, covered in blood, panting random things that none of us understood and then you fainted!" Okay, I'm starting to remember what happened, that crazy lady, why I was covered in blood and... Why is my arm wrapped in a cast? I'm 100% sure that it didn't hurt when I landed, but. Now that I see it... I'm pretty sure that I can feel it throbbing, very hard. "Why does my arm hurt?" "Well, I was hoping that you would know," Turner sighs. "when Zane scanned you, he said that it was broken and when he tore off your sleeve it was all swollen up and blue." I quickly explain all that I can remember, with a few scared and worried interruptions... "Why didn't it hurt when you landed? I would have screamed so hard that I would lose my voice." "There is a logical explanation to why you didn't feel anything," Zane says as he walks into the room. "When I scanned you, your pulse level was sky high so you were probably pretty shocked." "And...?" Turner just looks confused but I think I understand. "When you're in shock or really scared your body doesn't focus on pain but to get out on the situation."

"So you didn't feel any pain cause you were so scared?" "Kinda..." Why is it so hard to explain things like this for him? "How bad is it?" I ask and points to my arm. "It's just a simple fracture," Zane answers. "It will be healed in about six weeks. " "Oh, that's good," Turner takes out a red highlighter out of his pocket, where did he get that from? "Can I...?" "Sure!" He quickly draws a heart at the middle. "May I have a turn?" Zane takes out a light-blue highlighter, does this happen every time somebody gets a cast? I nod and Zane draws a snowflake. "For how long have I been unconscious?" "Three hours, something like that..." Turner shrugs. "You missed dinner, that's a fact." When he says that I can hear my stomach growl, cause I haven't eaten in like five hours. " I'll go get you something to eat!" Zane chuckles and leaves the room. When he closes the door I can see Turner is staring at me and then he takes off his sunglasses. His eyes are watering and then he wraps his arms around me. He's more worried then he looks. "Never scare me like that again!" "Turner I'm fine!" I say. "I didn't-" "But... your arm, it's-" "It's technically my fault that my arm is broken." I chuckle. "I forgot about my fear of heights for a second!" "But you could've told me that you got a new message!"

Turner's POV

I don't know why I'm arguing with him, I guess I'm just worried... "Turner, calm down!" he says. "My arm will be fine and no one is dead!" "But you could have died if that murder-woman didn't-" oh, for god's sake! I can't have a mental breakdown now! "Am I interrupting something?" I turn around to see Zane standing at the door with a bento and a glass of water in his hands. "Skylor had a leftover bento that she said you could have." He places the food on his nightstand and takes out a jar of pills out of his bag. "If your arm keeps throbbing, which I'm pretty sure it will... then a few painkillers will help." When he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him I turn back to see that Neuro is trying to eat from the bento but, since he's right-handed it's pretty hard for him to eat with his left (A/N remember that they eat with chopsticks in Ninjago). "Do you need any help?" I don't feel like arguing with him anymore, besides... I don't want him to starve. "Stupid cast," he mutters. "is it really necessary for it to cover like, half the part of my fingers?" "I think you haft Zane about that," I smile and grab the chopsticks out of his hand. "I can help you if you want." "Thank you but how-?" I quickly pick up a piece of the salmon and shove it into his mouth. "Turner what the heck-?" "Don't talk with your mouth full, now eat!" I pick up another piece. "You know you don't have to feed me," he says after a few bites. "I just need to learn how to use my left hand instead of my right." "and how long do you think that will take?" "About a week?" "Well, I'm not letting you starve for that long!"

"I'm not gonna starve!" "Not eating in a week counts as starving!" "Do you think I won't eat at all?" "The food is supposed to be inside of you! Not all over you!" "That's not going to happen!" "You right-handed not left-handed!" "That can change!" "But you'll be without food for a week!" "No, I will not!" "Can you stop being so stubborn?!" "You're the one who's being stubbo-" I cut him off with a kiss, like... we just started fighting and I need to stop it before it gets too serious. "What are we even arguing about?" "Why you're feeding me...?" "Well, you'll haft to deal with it until your arm is healed!" I keep on feeding him and when he's finished I hand him the water. "Turner?" "Mmmm?" "You know that lady with the knife that I told you about, yeah I know it's weird but I'm 100% sure that I've met her before..."

(A/N Can't believe how fast I finish these chapters... BUT THIS SHIP IS AMAZING!)

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