You weren't supossed to know...

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Turner's POV

I'm still staring at my phone when Neuro comes in with my lunch. Okay, Turner... Stay calm and just ask him as if it was the most natural thing in the world! "If you keep on staring at your phone like that, your eyes will turn into squares." he jokes. "How did your father die?" Great work Turner... Could've asked a little more careful? "W-why do you ask?" Neuro stutters. The next thing I do is even more stupid, I SHOW him the message! He stares at the phone before collapsing on the floor crying, HE'S CRYING! "Oh... dad, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He sobs, and I have no idea what's going on! Was it true that he killed his father or not? "Hey, are you okay?" Ok... Stupid question considering that he's on the floor CRYING! "NO! I'M NOT OKAY! THAT PERSON IS RIGHT, I KILLED MY FATHER! I ki- lled... him!" "Wait, wait wait!" I say and help him sit down in my bed beside me. "What happened EXCACTLY when your father died?"


Neuro's POV

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I yell at my father. "Neuro, please listen to me," he tries. "That rabbit was sick, I couldn't stand his suffering." "LIAR! WHEN I BROUGHT HIM HOME YESTERDAY, HE WAS FINE!" "When I found him he was shaking and his eyes were red!" He explains. "He had probably been infected by a virus or something like that." "BUT YOU COULD HAVE BROUGHT HIM TO THE VET INSTEAD OF KILLING HIM!" "He would have died anyways!" THAT'S IT! I'm done listening to him! I rush out of my room, our house and down the streets, I can't wait for the lights to turn green so I just start runing across the road when I see a grey car driving towards me, suddenly... Dad is here... with his arms wrapped around me and then everything turns black for a few seconds. When I open my eyes again I can see him laying on the road, covered in blood with his eyes closed. No... This can't be real! It's just a dream right? "Dad?" I whisper, shaking him a bit. No answer... "Dad?" I try again, louder this time. "Dad? DAAAAD!" I press my head against his with tears streaming from my eyes. What have I done? Now my father is dead because of me! Everything is my fault!

*flashback ends* (Btw it's still Neuro's POV)

"Everything was my fault!" I finish trying not to start crying again. "What?" Turner gasps. "Nonono Neuro it wasn't you fault, it was an accident!" "Liar!" I snort "We both know that if I didn't rush out like that, that day he would still be alive!" " Listen to me now *master* of the mind, try to get THIS in your mind!" Turner lifts my chin so our eyes meet. "It. Wasn't. Your. Fault! Your father saved you, he wanted you to live!" "I've been trying to tell myself that for eleven years, but deep down I know I don't believe it!" I bury my head in his chest and starts crying again. I can feel him stroking my hair with is hand while the other is rubbing my back. "Everything is okay honey," he soothes. "that message means nothing to me and it won't change a thing!" "But if-" "Shush!" I keep on trying to tell him that it was my fault, but he just keeps on interrupting me until I stop crying. "I miss him," I mumble. "and the last thing we had was a fight!" "I know, but you can't blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault!" I look up to see that Turner has taken off his sunglasses. "Turner you-" "I thought it would cheer you up!" He smiles. "But now I have another thing on my mind..." What is he going to do? Wait I can read his mind. 'Time to put a little smile on your face!' Wait what does he mean with that? Oh, no! I don't like that evil smirk...

Turner's POV

I can see the worry in Neuro's eyes before he send me a message 'Turner whatever you're planning to do, please don't!' "I won't do it," I chuckle. "If you repeat after me, it wasn't my fault!"  "What?" "Say it!" "Why?" "You asked for it!" I smirk and pushes him down into a laying position. "Turner don't!" I ignore him starts to tickle his throat. "TUHUHNEHER STAHAHAP!" Oh this is going to be fun! "Say it!" I repeat, and tickles him a little faster. "JUHUHUST STAHAHAP IT  PWEAHEHESE!" "SAY IT!" IHIT WAHASN'T MY FAHAHAULT!" Turner you are a genius! I let go of him and gives him a few seconds to catch his breath. "!" He says panting  "We'll see about that!" I chuckle. "But at least I got the words out of you!" "I didn't say I meant them!" he mutters. "But you don't want me to tickle you again, right?" "No, of course not! It's just that..." "What?" He looks at me, eyes full of sadness. "I hoped that what happened that day would never EVER be brought up again!" Okay, I've  heard enough of this! Besides, if he starts crying ONE more time then I'm going to start as well! 

"I wanna now who sent me the text!" I grunt. "Cause I really wanna kick his or her butt right now!" "Is that really necessary?" Seriously? "If someone makes you cry then everything is necessary!" I think about how we can track the number oh wait! Zane! Why didn't I think of that earlier? He can track that number in like TEN seconds or something! "If it helps in any way I just wanna say that I got an anonymous text too!" Neuro says and hands me his phone. I read the text and compares the number with the one from my phone, same number! "I'm going to talk to Zane about tracking the number!" I say and tries to get out of the bed before Neuro pushes me down again. "No, you need to rest!" he says and takes back his phone before getting up himself. "I'll talk to him!"

(A/N) Okay so it turns out I could write here after all! Finished this chapter in three days, not joking! Hope you liked it! Until next time! 🍒

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