Colored eye freak!

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Turner's POV

"Hey, you!" I hear a voice calling for me and I turn around. Oh great, It's Anthony the greatest bully in the world, and HE'S 20. "What do you want?" I sigh. Anthony walks up to me and gives me a look as cold as ice. "I want to know why you're still here." "Dude this is a public spot," I answer rolling my eyes. "everyone is allowed to be here!"

Before I know what's going on he snatches my sunglasses off my face. "I mean why you're still alive, everyone thinks that you're annoying and your eyes are SO ugly! " Did he just... how did he even...? "How did you know about my eyes?" "Hard to miss," Anthony snaps. "I've heard some rumors around and checked some old schoolbooks."
"That is not an easy way to find out." I moan. "Now give me back my sunglasses before I-" POW just like that he punches in my eye. "Look!" he laughs. "Now you have three different colors FREAK!" I don't know what to say, I often got teased for my eyes as a kid but it was a really long time ago, and I don't know why but something about this man just makes me scared.

"Do you want me to hit you again?" He grabs me around my throat, omg I can hardly breathe! "Listen now, I want you to leave and never come back!" he whispers coldly in my ear before letting go of me and gives me a few seconds to breathe. I can feel a tear escaping my eye before I start running, it doesn't matter where I just want to get out of here, I don't need to take back my glasses since I have an extra pair at home. "GO DIE FREAK!" no... don't listen to him just... keep running! I can see trees like hundreds around me so I guess that I'm in a forest... Suddenly I can feel something bump into my foot and I trip. "AAAAAAH!" Why is there a slope right were I tripped!?

When I finally hit the ground after falling for like I don't know how long the first thing that comes to mind is to get up but when I try... "OOOWWW MY ANKLE!" Dammit, I've must have landed in a weird way or hit it when I fell. I carefully stand up on my other foot to see if I can put any weight on it at all, I can't. Great, now how am I supposed to get outa here? Wait... I have my phone in my pocket, hope it's not broken like my ankle probably is, good it's still working now calling the hospital is not an option. The fact that Anthony knows about my stupid eyes is bad enough, I don't need a file and a picture about me to be saved in the hospital for like a year or two, especially not now when I have a black eye too. But I know who to call instead.

Neuro's POV

A hand cold as ice grabbed my shoulder and when I looked around I saw...


"AAAA!" I close my book and examines my room carefully in case that creepy ghost is near or... What in the name of the first spinjitzu master am I thinking? It's just my phone, I really need to stop reading horror stories! Oh, it's Turner. "Hey babe," I answer. "are you enjoying your alone time at the park?" "Neuro, please listen to me, I need you to pick me up as soon as possible" I almost drop my phone in confusion over his words. "I'm in some sort of forest and I've hurt my ankle!" "Wait... where are you?" I run to the hall to put my shoes but then I hear him respond. "Just track my phone with that app I showed you and please take my extra sunglasses with you!"


Dammit, he hung up! Oh well, I need to find his sunglasses as soon as I can. That's right, he has them in his room! I run up and grabs them from his desk. Now I need to focus on finding him, let's see... I should be able to track his phone since he just called me and- found him! Ok, run down, put on my shoes, get in my car and GO!

*Time skip*

Finally, I can't drive further unless I want to crash. I'll haft to walk the last nine hundred meters myself. When Turner said he was in a forest I didn't think it would be this big! I can hardly see anything thru all these trees and- Whoa! That was close, wait... the signal from Turner's phone is coming from down the slope! "TURNER?" I call... nope! No answer but I should at least check. I carefully slide down the slope and then I hear a voice coming from one of the trees. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you!" I run to him and... "What in the world has happened to you?" "I just... tripped," he answers, taking a harder grip around his ankle. "Don't ask why!" "And just how did you lost your glasses and got that black eye hmmm?" I don't care if he wants to talk about it or not! "I-I dropped them when I fell..." "I know you're lying!" I sigh. "You always stumbles thru your words when you lie."

"Fine!" Turner mumbles. "A guy just took my glasses and punched me in the face okay?" Punched him in the face? Well, it explains his black eye and why he isn't wearing his glasses but still. "Who was it?" "Can we just go home now?" Turner glares at me and tries to stand up. "OW!" I take a deep breath and grabs his arm. "If we are going anywhere it's to the hospital!" I try to read his mind but the only thing I hear is DON'T YOU DARE! Right... He doesn't like when I do this if he's mad. "Can you at least follow me to the car?" He nods and I help him to get up. I still wonder what happened to him exactly but hopefully, he'll tell me soon.

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