Chapter 9: Is this really happening again?

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"Oh my life! Thank you so much guys!" My smile is stretching from ear to ear, Jess ran up to me and gave me a massive hug, "Happy birthday Jem!"

It was my birthday, you would never think I had come out of hospital the day before, I feel much better, especially now that me and Jem are friends again....

*A moment I'll never forget*

"Olly, I'm scared!" I was shivering and I didn't want to see Jess, I was scared of what would happen, I didn't want another fight. I felt weak. "Don't be scared Jem," Olly knew what I was talking about, "you and Jess really do need to talk, best friends over boyfriends remember?"

Wait a minute ......

"Olly! Why are you here?" I screamed! "What? Jem calm down, what are you on about?" Olly slowed down and looked at me.

"You're meant to be practising and touring and doing book signings for happy days!" "Oh that?" Olly grabbed my hand, "well I wasn't going to leave you alone in that hospital was I? My little sister is more important then my career, the Murs Army are just going to have to wait for a while, but they understand." "Oh Olly, you're the best brother anyone could ever wish for!" I smiled and we carried on walking.

"Olly?" "Yes?" "I really do hope they find that man." "Me too." Olly gave me a hug, then we arrived home. Jess was already there waiting for me.

"OH JEM!" Jess had obviously been watching out for me, she ran up to me and hugged me tight, I wondered how many more hugs I was going to get, oh well, I love them. "Okay Jess, I love you and all that but we really need to talk." "I know," Jess looked down guiltily, the last time I saw that look was the day I ran away and she told me she kissed Lucas."

"Okay, Jem I am really sorry, I don't know what made me do that, I guess well, I was just jealous, but well, the next day, Lucas rang me and said he didn't want anything to do with me because he loved you"

"Jess, it's fine, I've had a lot of time to think it over and, I forgive you, I don't want a boy to ruin our friendship," I looked at Jess and gave her a smile, she didn't look well, I guess all this stress had took it's toll on her as well.

*Moment to remember over*

"I can't believe you guys have planned a big party for me, you didn't have to." "We wanted too! You deserve a break after everything, you AND Olly!" Niamh smiled.

All of a sudden, Justin Bieber came into the room with a DJ set. "Are you kidding me? This is like one big crazy dream!" Everyone started to laugh.

The non-alcoholic drinks were flowing and everyone was dancing and chatting, then Olly came out of the kitchen ......

With a big chocolate cake, oh my gosh!

"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to Jem.....

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone started chanting, "WISH! WISH! WISH! WISH!"

I blew out my candles and wished,

'I wish things could stay like this forever.'

"WHAT DID YOU WISH FOR?!" I hear my uncle James shout. "Well if I tell you, it won't come true will it?" I laughed. "Aww no fair!" James replied.

We cut the cake and it was absolutely delicious, soft choclatey icing with warm crispy melted chocolate in the middle. Perfecto as the French people would say.

I was talking to Niamh about how my life had turned for the better when I noticed Jess looked strange, "one minute." I ran over to Jess, "are you okay?!" I started panicking, she looked very ill, her face was lopsided and everything on her side went droopy, "Jess?" "hoppy!" Jess wasn't talking right, what was going on? "HOPPY!" I realised she was trying to say help me. "OLLY CALL THE AMBULANCE NOW!!"

Olly ran over, saw what was happening, and dialled 999.

All of a sudden, the door flew open and two paramedics ran in, "Okay guys, step back, we need to give this girl some air! She has had a stroke, it is very dangerous for a girl this young to have a stroke, it's life threatening!"

What? No! It can't be, me and Jess do everything together, but this is just going too far. I might have made it, but will Jess?

*Authors part*

Oh my gosh, another shocking part, what do you think will happen? Comment, vote and fan please.

Follow me at @billie_murs


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