Chapter 8: Where am I?

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Woahh ....


Where am I?

My eyes drift open, I can just about see Olly sitting on a chair next to me with red eyes, has he been crying? I want to move, but all these wires are stopping me from making the slightest movement, Olly hasn't realised that I am awake, I don't understand! Whats going on?

"O..Oll..Olly?" My voice sounds raspy, as if I was learning to talk.

I open my eyes wider, it's so painful .... Olly's eyes turn towards me, he doesn't say anything, it's like he can't believe i'm talking.

"J- J- Jem?" Tears start streaming down Ollys face, as he grabs my hand, "Jem! Jem! Your alive!!" "Of course i'm alive!" My voice is still raspy and my throat feels dry, "where am I?" I am not understanding anything, the last thing I remember was walking home with Olly and seeing ... that man again, then I remember nothing.

"You're in the hospital Jem, we were walking home from Niamh's house and you suddenly collapsed. You nearly died, your going to be 16 tomorrow." Ollys eyes were welling up, I wanted to hold his hand but the wires were stopping me from moving, "please don't cry Olly." I told him, my heart was beating fast, I am going to be 16 tomorrow? But when we were walking home from Niamh's, it was the 31st of May .... my birthday is the 2nd of August, which means i've been here for 2 months and a bit?

"Jem, I thought you were going to die, I have been in tears all morning because the nurses said if you weren't awake by tomorrow, they would have to turn your life support machines off tomorrow, on your 16th birthday. I can't believe you are awake, I just keep thinking i'm going to wake up any minute." Olly covered his face. "Right, i'd better go and tell the nurse that you're still alive, thank goodness!"

Olly danced out of the room which made me smile, but then I felt tears in my eyes, I couldn't believe I didn't ring the police about that man, I need to tell Olly, and i'm going to.

In less than 3 minutes, Olly came back into my room with a nurse,

"Okay Jem, i'm just going to run some tests and then if they come back all clear then your free to go home." The nurse gave me a friendly smile and then went back out of the room. "YAY!" Olly shouted, he stood up and started his crazy dancing again.

But my face showed my true emotions.

"Jem?" Olly sat down next to me, "what's the matter?" Tears started streaming down my face again, "Okay, well, the day I ran to Niamh's, I was on that alley, you know the one where all the rough and scary people are?"

"Yes of course."

I explained everything, from when the man grabbed my arm and pushed me onto the floor, to when he kicked my tummy and ran away. Olly burst into tears for the 3rd time and stroked my hand, "is that what made you collapse? Going on that road again?" "No it wasn't just that," I started, "I saw the man while we walked down and I was scared that he would recognise me."

Olly got the nurse back in, she checked my tummy to find a big black bruise from where he kicked me, Olly saw it too, he held my hand as his eyes welled up again. The nurse rushed out and rang the police, me and Olly stared at eachother, "Olly?" "Yes?" "What if that man has hurt another innocent person like me, and it's all my fault because I didn't tell anyone, "don't think that Jem, it is not your fault that there are people like that in this world. You didn't have time to tell me, too much has happened, the police will find him and we will fight for our rights!"

The nurse walked back into the room with 2 young curly haired policemen, they sat down and took their hats off. They introduced themselves and then I explained everything.

"Right, well we shall get to the bottom of this, this man will be arrested soon, we will make sure of it, and when we do arrest him, would it be okay if we were to bring you to court for your statement?"

"Yes that would be fine," I started to smile, soon, this man would be off these streets.

The policemen and the nurse left, as another nurse came in. "Would you like to be scanned now Jemma?" The nurse said. "Okay then, I might as well get it over and done with." Olly wasn't aloud to come with me but I reassured him, "i'll be okay Olly, promise."

*2 hours later*

"Okay Jemma, your scans have come back clear and you are free to go." The nurse smiled at us, Olly nearly screamed with excitement, "thank you so much!!"

Then I remembered, Jess.

*Authors part*

So, it turns out that Jem is still alive, thank goodness as Olly would say, but are Jess and her going to make up? Are they going to be best friends again?

Sorry this chapter was really short, only cos' I uploaded the last part on Friday so i'm still planning the next part!!

Vote, comment, fan, it means alot!! Thank you!! xxx

Broken forever?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon