Chapter 3: Life is so unfair!

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*Ring ring!!*

Oh gosh, that's probably Lucas, I better answer it before Olly grabs it.

"Hey Lucas!"

I legged it upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door behind me, "hey Lucas, I'm really in a rush so I just want to say, meet me at the bowling alley in town at 10:00am!" Oh no! Olly's coming up the stairs, "Jem I ca-" "No Lucas I really have to go, see you tomorrow bye!" I slammed down the phone.

"Jem?" Olly called, "dinner's ready!" "Yeah coming Olls!" I shouted, I hid the phone under the bed and ran downstairs. "Jess is stay for dinner as well Jem." "Gosh!" I shouted.

Me and Jess are in a big argument, but because she is mates with Olly and because her moms at work, unfortunately she has to stay here....

*moment to forget*

"Jem why are you so moody with me all of a sudden?" Jess nagged, "Why .. Am I ..... in a mood .... With you? Hmmm... lets think about that Jess, well first of all you were happy for me and Lucas, then you told Olly about Lucas' bad past while I wasn't there and NOW your acting all innocent and like my best friend." I stared into her eyes, Jess was the first one to look away ... guiltily.

Jess took a big gulp of juice and walked up to me, I started to walk away and she sped up. "Jem, listen, I'm really sorry, I didn't want you getting hurt either -" she couldn't finish as I started shouting, "JESS! LISTEN TO YOURSELF, YES, LUCAS MIGHT BE THE HOTTEST BOY IN BLAKELY! AND I KNOW YOU HAVE LIKED HIM SINCE YEAR 3 BUT SO HAS EVERYBODY, IT DIDN'T MEAN YOU HAD TO GET ALL JEALOUS AND TELL OLLY ABOUT HIM! Do you know what? Just leave me alone, get out of my face!"

*moment to forget over*

"Jem don't be so rude she is your best friend." Olly sighed, I just simply said, "no, no she is not my best friend anymore." Olly rolled his eyes at me, "Jem you have been best friends since nursery, why aren't you angry at me then?" "Because!" I shouted, "your doing it because you care about me, Jess is doing it because she is selfish and jealous Olly! Do you not see that?" Olly handed me my plate of pasta and shook his head, just as Jess came in the room I said, "I'm going to eat in my room." I walked upstairs, I knew Olly and Jess were probably talking about me but I don't care anymore, I just wish I never had met Jess.

I have finished my pasta, but I still feel hungry so I tiptoe downstairs, creep past the door which would lead me to Olly and Jess and grab my dairy milk bar out of the kitchen, I leg it upstairs and eat it, but I still feel like I haven't eaten, my stomach feels empty. I know what will make my stomach feel full again, by making up with Jess but I'd rather feel empty then talk to Jess again.

I really want Jess to go home now, I don't see Olly a lot because he is always on tour, or doing interviews, or working on his new songs, I don't like having Olly Murs as a brother, I prefer having the normal Olls as my brother, the boy who used to sing me songs when I was upset, the boy who used to cheer me up when I was down, the boy who didn't argue with me, the boy that wasn't away all the time, and the boy who could take me up to my favourite park without being noticed and asked to have a picture or sign something. I just want the old Olly back, but I know it won't happen.

I just want to go downstairs and hug Olls now, he only has 2 weeks left to stay at home with me, mom and dad , then he has to go and work on his 2013 arena tour, I don't want to spend these precious moments by arguing with him.

It's all Jess' fault, I can't wait till she goes home.

I hear chairs scraping on the floor and Olly saying "I'll come if you like?" I walk downstairs to see Jess and Olly grabbing their coats and heading for the door, "Oh bye Jess," I grin, I am so happy she is going home now. "Oh, bye Jem," Jess thinks were friends again, can't she see my smile getting bigger and she opens the door?

"Oh Jess," Olly smiled, "I'm going to go to Jess' house for a while, she wants me to try her moms famous 'chocolate concrete cake and pink custard' but she's doing blue for me!" I can't help but smile, he loves strangely coloured food.

But then it dawned on me ....

Olly wants to go to my enemies house and leave me?

I kept that smile on my face until they shut the door on their way out, then I sat on the stairs and burst into tears, I just feel so alone, I feel like Olly can't even stand to be in the same house as me! Olly doesn't want to spend time with me? Why would he Jem? Your such a sad low life girl who thinks everyone loves her! Jem get a grip, nobody can stand you! Everyone hates your guts Jem!

I was putting things into my head, I can't help it when I'm sad, all of a sudden I heard a key in the door, oh no! Jem! Stop crying now! Jem stop it!! I was just making it worse, I was crying even more now!

"Jem?" Olly panicked, "what's the matter?" "Oh nothing, it's just something silly." I sniffed. "Jem, you don't cry over silly things, the last time you cried was when our dog Biscuit died, and that was 2 years ago." I could hear Olly walk over to me, he sat down next to me and sang ...

"Wintertime in London are you making plans? Are you still rocking converse with your old ray bans if your sitting in the place that we used to be, or if you're somewhere listening to bob marley, then I know that your somewhere thinking of me."

Olly knows that's my favourite song of his, oh I love my big brother.

*Author's part*

So how was that part? Do you think Jem is going to tell Olly how she feels or do you think she'll leave it and get on with her life? Leave a comment, or vote and fan me please, it really does mean a lot Thanks! I hope your enjoying the story!! xx

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