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Often I have proven that I am very capable of providing myself with a familiar and comfortable solace. 

And with this constant I am able to easily transcend deep into my mind, beyond all of that fear, shame, regret, and envy.

I believe the envy is what gets people in trouble the most; they allow comparison to slowly and methodically kill them. I have never understood why humans do that.

They beat their fists against concrete walls violently, knuckles bloody and extirpated like they are unaware of the pain. How do they not see themselves covered in red? 

I do not wish to think that they are blind to this terrible fate they'd so generously given themselves, but sometimes it seems so.  Sometimes they are so unaware that I have to scream at them to cease this self deprecation. I'm worried about it. 

But, luckily, I am able to combat this worry with an equal amount of vigor; pacing back and forth between apathy and that nice crowd of trees a few miles from the river. 

The smell of pine demands my attention and I give it to her eagerly, my own solace settling into place like I knew it would.

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