But The First Leap Is Always The Most Thrilling

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Ruby's PoV:



He nodded. "Yes. Jump. Spread your arms wide and let the wind take you. Have faith in yourself and you shall never land on the wrong path."

I gazed at the school below us. Swallowing my fears and concerns, I closed my eyes and ran towards the edge of the building. Feeling my feet begin to slip off the edge of Beacon Tower, I gave a strong kick and spread my arms wide. Above me, an eagle screamed as I felt myself plummet to the ground faster than I'd like. However, instead of feeling scared or afraid, or doubting my leadership capabilities which had partially been quelled by Ozpin earlier that day, I felt utter confidence. In myself, in my friends, in humanity in general.

Feeling myself flip over, I didn't dare open my eyes and it wasn't long before I landed in something soft. However, I didn't move an inch, unsure if I was still falling or not, at least until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the soft stuff. It was Ezio and Daphne.

Beside me, Eagle landed in a second pile of just hay and climbed out, completely unscatched. I was utterly confused. "How-? That shouldn't be possible!"

He smiled. "We gave you the soft-stuff and hay for your first time. We'll eventually get riskier and riskier, eventually climaxing with a Leap of Faith into water."

Ezio spoke up, his forigne accent soothing, for some bizarre reason. "But enough about that. How do you feel, Little Eagle?"

"Amazing. Wait, did you just call me 'Little Eagle'?" I tilted my head.

He chuckled. "Yes, I did. You soared like an eagle, and given how you are still learning, the name is all but appropriate."

Eagle patted me on the back, brushing any hay that was still stuck to my outfit, leaving my "sensitive" areas to his sister. "C'mon, Little Eagle. LEt's go get some dinner with your team, eh?"

I smiled. "That'd be great."

Ezio frowned and walked over to Eagle, leaning in to whisper in his ear. Eagle whispered back and Ezio nodded before vanishing. "Sorry about that. It was just Ezio voicing his thoughts on you getting a cloak like mine." He spread his arms out.

My eyes grew huge and body tiny. "Ohmygoshthatdbeawesomecanihaveitinredpleasepleasepleaseireallywantitinredoohcanihaveitinblackandredireallywantitinblackandredpleasecanihaveitinblackandredireallywantitinblackandred!!!!"

He blinked, off-put by what Yang calls my "chibi form". "Uhh, w-we'll see. I'll call up some friends of mine later and see if they can't tailor you one. But we'll need your measurements."

And at that, I rattled off my exact measurement at every part of the body her could want.

"Uhh, say that again? I didn't catch it."

I rattled it off again and he tapped something on his Scroll while muttering "most hyperactive person I have ever met... Of all time."

And with that, we got my team and headed into Vale.


"Your sure it's okay to order anything we want?" Weiss kept pestering Eagle.

"Weiss, wanna talk to the owner? Go right ahead! Oi, Totmatde! Come 'er a sec!"

"Yeah?" A gruff and burly man came over, a medium-sized Scroll in hand. "What's up?"

Eagle pointed at Weiss with his thumb and explained the situation. "My buddy Weiss here still thinks I'm bluffing when I say she can order anything she wants. What do you have to say about this, pal?"

He closed his Scroll and glared at Weiss. "This dinner on me. No buts, no nothing. Got that?"


He broke his tough-guy demeanor and smiled. "Good. Now get eating, little lady."

I turned around in my seat, eating my awesome ramen, but in the corner of my eye, I noticed Ezio appear and take Totmatde into a backroom. WOnder what they're talking about. Eh, don't care THIS RAMEN IS SO GOOOOOD!!!!

We most-certainly ate our fill.

"*Burp* S-sorry..." I smiled at my team, embarrassed.

They laughed it off.



"Weiss Schnee: Not a Templar. I played Cat and Mouse with her and she knows about us and the Templars, but hates the Templars with a passion. Pyrrha Nikos: Friendly, knows nothing about the Creed nor her family's involvement. At least, she hasn't let on. Blake Belladonna: All ties cut with Adam, but he still haunts her."

"And our recruit?"

I chuckled, gazing at the white bundle of cloth lying on my desk. "Swimmingly. She has a Hidden Blade which I'll teach her how to use tomorrow morning, we've gon through free-running, climbing and Eagle Vision. Her most recent achievement was performing a Leap of Faith off Beacon Tower."

The Master sighed. "You never did pull your punches. Stay safe, Eagle, and remember: Nothing is true..."

"... Everything is permitted."

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