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"Eagle Shadestep, Daphne Shadestep." We walked up to Ozpin on the stage. "The two of you retrieved the black knight. Only you claimed the piece... as well as a bunch of fish." He glared at Daphne as did I.

She chuckled. "No remorse."

We sighed. "As a result, the two of you shall be placed on your own team, named Team ASSN (assassin), lead by Eagle! I know you two will more than make up for the two missing members on your team."

We nodded and walked off the stage. As soon as we did, RWBY and JNPR approached us. Weiss immediately voiced her concerns. "I'm curious as to how team tournaments will play out. Will you still be able to compete?"

I smirked. "Weiss, was it? Trust me, Daphne and I've seen more combat then all eight of you combined and multiplied by five."

Pyrrha blinked at us. "That's... a lot of combat."

Daphne signed "Yeah, and we know exactly where to hit on every kind of Grimm for the most damage!" and everyone looked at her, confused.

Jaune looked at me. "Is your sister okay?"

I sighed, facepalming. "She's a mute after witnessing something we don't talk about. What she just signed was 'yeah, and we know exactly where to hit on every kind of Grimm for the most damage.' I can already tell this is going to get boring quick. Do us a favor and take the time to learn Sign Language."

They looked at each other. "Uh, okay."

Smiling, we nodded our heads. "And it is now time for us to take our leave. Good night and remember: classes start at nine tomorrow."

RWBY and JNPR waved us off. "Yeah, yeah. Sure thing... Wait, what?"

I laughed, loving their double-take.

Together with Daphne, we made our way to our rocket lockers and grabbed our more... questionable pieces of equipment as well as decorations and carried them to our room. Grabbing two small wooden chests that could fit our obvious Assassin gear (except the Sword, that's currently resting on a bed) we stuffed them full, then kicked them under our respective beds. Grabbing a wall scroll, Daphne hung up her Tokyo Ghoul Kirishima Touka scroll as I hung up an actual wall Scroll, aka a holographic, interactive TV for all you Earthlings reading this.

 Grabbing a wall scroll, Daphne hung up her Tokyo Ghoul Kirishima Touka scroll as I hung up an actual wall Scroll, aka a holographic, interactive TV for all you Earthlings reading this

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Daphne knocked me upside the head with a broom she was using to help her hang up a picture we took of Vale from above at night. "Brother! What did The Master say about breaking the fourth wall?!"

 "Brother! What did The Master say about breaking the fourth wall?!"

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"Sorry, sorry."

Rolling my eyes, I hung up a wall scroll depicting the wild seas with the Jackdaw braving its stormy waters, as well as a weapon rack for our swords and guns. Setting up four mannequins with our respective robes, we jumped when someone knocked on the door.

 Setting up four mannequins with our respective robes, we jumped when someone knocked on the door

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"This is Glynda Goodwitch. Is either of you awake?"

I opened the door, at the exact moment Daphne crashed to the ground after hanging up our long-range RC plane with cameras located at several key points. Glynda blinked.

"You're... awake?"

"Is that a problem?" Behind me, Daphne made a move to grab an ice pack, the poor thing. Oh, did I mention that she's a snow leopard-Faunus with a floofy tail? Well, she is.

"N-no, it isn't. I just didn't expect you two were up. Try to be courteous when nailing anything in, please."

I looked at the walls. "What teams are on each side, again?"

"JNPR on your left, CRDL on your right."

"Thanks. I'll be taking these." I grabbed the uniforms out of Glynda's hands and politely closed the door, before turning to Daphne, who shared my mischievous grin.

I set up another mannequin, this time holding our Beacon uniform. Our pajamas were in small bed-side dressers, speaking of which, Daphne was in an adorable snow leopard onesie gently biting her tail and I was in sweats and a un-zipped Assassin's Creed hoodie with nothing to cover my eight-pack. Yes, we are special in more ways than one. And before you readers decide to ask, I'm a Faunus as well. I've got snow leopard ears that I can press against my head to help keep my hood down where it belongs. Both our parents were snow leopard Faunus, and our father and sister an Assassin.

 Both our parents were snow leopard Faunus, and our father and sister an Assassin

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(Not biting tail, but best I could find.)

Someone knocked on the door. "H-hello? We hear banging..." It was Jaune.

"Are you ravin' out?!" Nora.

"Nora!" Ren.

"Uh, w-we brought moving-in gifts! May we come in?" Pyrrha, for certain.

I smirked and opened the door. "You're in luck!"

"?" They all looked at me as I turned towards Daphne.

"Sis? Give 'em a rude awakening. Tell 'em what's in store for them."

She laughed maniacally and set up a reinforced part of the wall. Then, taking a hammer, she pounded on the wall, then quickly hid it. CRDL quickly came out.

"WAS IT YOU WHO DID THAT?!" Cardin froze, seeing us play cards with JNPR.

We looked at him. "Hm? Something wrong, Cardin? Teammate of a teammate wet the bed or something?" Although my face showed no emotion, I was cracking up on the inside.


Pyrrha spoke up, playing along. "If nothing's wrong, go back to your dorm. I think I ha-"

I set my cards down. "Royal flush."


CRDL left confuzzled and JNPR complimented us on our room and physique (the girls and my eight-pack especially) before we all retired to our beds for the night. However, under my hoodie sleeves rested my Hidden Blades. Never do I sleep without them, nor let them outside of arm's reach. Never. Ne. Ver.never.

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