Chapter 11 The Kayger

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My chapters are slowly becoming less bad? I'm not sure but hopefully it's not too bad...anyways! Enjoy reading!!!



The streets were filled with people when we reached the market. No one dared to get close to the both of us, too scared to ruin our outfits. People here seemed to care more about outfits here. Living in the capital made it that way. They wanted to impress whoever walked by or the royal family if they were lucky enough.

The sun was hot, making my body covered with sweat by the time we arrived at the market. I wasn't use to this heat, my body was accustomed to the cold but not this. Mar said it was cooler today then yesterday but I don't quite believe that. I was fine yesterday but right now sweat was glimmering on my face and sliding down my body.

I could fill buckets with my sweat right now, while Mar looks as if an air conditioner was right in front of her, regulating her body.

Mar seemed to finally notice and sent her magic to cool me down. It worked and my sweat wasn't as potent. I looked at Mar, she was completely fine, she was probably using her magic the same way she used it on me. My eyes lingered on her, she seemed to emit cold air, her eyes a deep hazel with orange. She looked like a living fire with her hair but it somehow did not clash with her dress.

Cool shades of blue against her orange red hair and eyes that seemed to burn. Mar noticed my stare and turned towards me. Breaking our walk. "You'll get use to the heat and am I really that pretty to you." A smug smile formed on her face. "I'll take your stare as a compliment then."

A small grin formed on my mouth as shifted my shoulders up. My voice playful "Your ego is too big." Mar dramatically placed the back of her hand on her forehead and leaned back. "Uh, how boring my life would be without my ego." Her voice was dramatic, her words sounding like she was reciting words in a play.

Mar didn't allow me to speak when she continued on. Striding through the market, making little turns like a ballerina, her hand still placed on her forehead. "My ego fills this world with spice." She jumped,and emphasized her fall. The dress flowed like water. People watched her now, grinning and amused.

"It would be wise not to think twice." Her eyes knotted together as her hand was placed under her chin. She walked towards me like a damsel in distressed and spoke the final words with a happy tone. "But this dress, this dress has the right price for my awfully big ego."

People huffed out a laugh, some whistled and some cheered for Mar's performance. She used my words and advertised her dress even more. Mar winked and hooked my arms. "I had to I'm a business women after all."

I bit my lips to keep my mouth from huffing out a laugh. It was fun being with Mar, she brought attention, a show wherever she went. Keeping the atmosphere light. I don't think she meant to raise everyone's spirits but she did. People weren't grumpy as before, they smiles less forced and posture less strained.

Mar manages to make everyone a tiny bit happier without trying. Though she shamelessly plugged her store in front of everyone. People like buying clothes from her, she brought new life in this city. Fun she was the definition of it and everyone wanted some. Heck even I did.

The streets became busy again after Mar's show. It full of chatter, full of life. The voices of people bargaining with prices, some greeting one another. Mar and I stopped by each stand, examining the ingredients they sold. A old man with gray beard caught my attention, his stand was filled with spices.

Their was different colours of them. Some a deep blue, bright orange, rusty pink and more. There was a jar filled with a yellow spice. It was grainy, a size a bit smaller than rice. He seemed to notice my stare when he waved towards us.

I pulled Mar away from the jewelry she was eyeing, she was enraged slightly but once she saw where I pulled her, she seemed to forget about it. "What is it?" I stared at the old man's eyes, pointing at the yellow spice. Graying over with age, his voice was filled with wisdom. "It's called Meric, perfect for anything you want to cook."

A smile bloomed on my face. My mind wondered to all the possible kinds of food I could cook with it. The old man seemed to know and had already packaged some for me. His voice struck me when he spoke again. "You are very different from the rest of us here, cursed child."

Time froze for a second when he said it. Mar didn't seem to notice what he said, no one noticed. My eyes frantically searched at him, but he only stared at the distance. I was about to ask him a question when the sound of chatter disappeared. The voices of children running in the market gone.

The very sound of people walking was no longer there. I looked around and no one was moving. It was like time had truly stopped but then I saw it. The slight movement, of people. Time did not stop but it slowed down. "What are you doing here, cursed child."

His voice was old, yet young. My eyes shot towards him, his eyes seeing but not. "I don't know what your talking about." I didn't risk saying anything to the stranger. But he seemed to know. "I know what you are child." A slight shiver went through my spine.

My voice was a whisper, my hands shaking. "What do you mean?" He grabbed my hands. His were wrinkled and warm against mine. "A cursed child, a messy childhood and a flickering future. Why so?" The words scared me, what did he mean about my future. I didn't trust him but I needed to know. I took a breath and told the old man the truth.

"I'm sent to kill the youngest prince of Agatheas." His mouth pressed thin and squeezed my hand. "Your future is unclear. You will not survive in what ever you are playing." The words stopped and I nudged him to continue. He seemed unsure but continued on. "Play there game, it's the only why you'll win. You'll die if you don't."

Confusion was plastered on my face but he kept going. "You are a cursed child. That is your power. You are a weapon not to be wielded but forged. Your soul will fuel you." Time seemed to be moving faster, his magic was weakening but he had more to say. "It's a curse, made to be broken."

Time returned to move and he had acted as if nothing happened. Everyone continued what they were doing and didn't notice time slow down. His hands were no longer on mine. I stared at him but he didn't look at me. Mar spoke not feeling the tension I gave the old man. "What's that one?"

Mar pointed towards a jar filled with brown seeds. He spoke every so quietly. "Perycol, if used correctly. It can remove wards. Even the most well made ones." Mar was interested in it, making a sign she would buy it. We stayed their for a while. Questioning the man about his spices until we had a rainbow of them on her hands.

Mar payed the man, thanking him for his services. The old man didn't say anything else to me as we walked away from his stand. He seemed to smile at as he looked towards the sky. His eyes seeing and not seeing. A similar gray to mine but not quite. Though I didn't understand what he had spoken, I engraved it in my soul, remembering all the words he spoke.

He knew what I was, knew my future and my past. I think he gave me advise for it. The old man seemed to hint I was to die but whatever he said changed that because his eyes when I looked back at him seemed clear. For a moment, I wondered how many lives he had saved or tried to save with a single conversation.

Mar nudged my shoulder, while turning her head to where I was looking. "That's Kayger. The crazy old man of the capital. His been their since I came to the capital. He always had that look on him. Even when he was young." Mar shrugged and smiled. "I want to buy some meat at the butcher shop. I heard they have some good cuts today."

I nodded at Mar and walked towards the butcher shop. Arms locked together. I still contemplated about what Kayger said. Maybe he was crazy but maybe just maybe he really wasn't.

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