Chapter 3 I'll Come Back

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Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter. It's a bit longer than usual but it's worth reading. Make sure to click the star button and leave comments!
- chyrie


A quite snore went through our whole bedroom, the birds chirping me awake. Singing it's beautiful song. Envy grew in me, for the birds and their freedom, how they can roam around the world with wings and see it. The way everyone had looked at them and saw nothing more than goodness.

My skin was sleek with dried sweat as I tore my body away from Orion. The bed creaking at my movement. The only sound in the room as the birds stopped chirping. My body shivered at the cool air as it touched my torso. Orion mumbled and grabbed me down. "Let go." His arm was heavy, making no effort to move.

I sighed and shoved his arm away. The bed shifted as he turned his body to face me. Slightly lifting his torso, his eyes still dreaming. Both of our bodies were tired, tired enough I had slept peacefully through the night.

I shifted my legs towards the edge of the bed, the movement enough to sent an ache between my thighs. Embarrassment coiled around my skin, making me awfully aware of last night.

The heavy breathing between us, filling up the room. The light groans Orion made and the little squeals my mouth sounded every time he moved. Our bodies pressed together, merging into one. Becoming a unit.

He was gentle with every movement, kissing my cheeks lightly, pressing his hands around my waist. I felt like I was in the clouds, every beat of pleasure pulsing through me. He groaned but his eyes were scared. Scared to hurt me, he keep each thrust soft even if it had pained him too.

I saw it, the ache in chest raised as I pushed him down. My body trembled at the movement, I was panting while he bit his lips.
My voice was merely a whisper when I went close to his ear and bit it. "Don't hold back."

Orion's eyes became feral, so animal like. Our bodies pounded against each other, as much needed release overcame us both.

I shut down the thoughts as thinking about it made my body heat. "I'm taking a bath." Not particularly saying anyone as I ran towards the bathroom.

The cool water dripped down my spine, cooling the raging blood running in my body. I sighed and scrubbed my body, knowing I won't be cleaning it for a while. The journey to the capital of Agatheas was at least 2 weeks long without magic. My skin became raw and red through all the scrubbing.

The mirror was foggy when I left the shower. A small kiss print can be seen on the mirror. Orion must have made it when I showered.

I stared at it and wondered if I still loved him, even if we did make love last night, it was merely pleasure. The thought was painful to think about, I had once loved him with all my heart and even though I said I forgave him. I don't think I can every truly love him again without that memory coming up.

I opened the door the bathroom to enter my bedroom. A cool breeze touched my skin, opposing the heat coming out of the bathroom.
Orion left the room giving me privacy, leaving the bedroom neat with its teal sheets and bras furniture. My thoughts pushed toward the bond but it didn't reach him. He was too far for it to reach.

I sighed and took a mental note to thank him later. A pair of traveling clothes was seating on the end of the bed for me. It was a leather suit for traveling, providing warmth and coolness for any weather. The colours were black with silver accents made with common materiel. It was an unusual traveler outlook but I still wore it.

 Thoughts flew around my head, thinking of what I needed. My eyes darted towards my dusty cabinet, the only unpolished furniture in my bedroom. I kept everything with value in the cabinet, carefully telling the maids to not touch it or their blood will spill. It was a warning that kept everyone away from it. The locks on the cabinet were intricate enough, no one would bother picking it unless they wanted something.

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