Chapter 1- Escaping

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August Booth showed me a book that seemed like a bunch of fairytales at first they were until I read them, they are my life they are the key to finding my parents. I read each page carefully and trying to care for my baby at the same time. I track them down to a little town in Maine called Storybrooke which is so ironic. I pack up everything I own and leave the rent money for this month and leave behind New York. I have no reason to stay Henry's father doesn't even know he exist, nothing is holding me back from finding my family and a home where I belong. When I got to town I stopped at Granny's diner, I struggled to carry the diaper bag and Henry's care seat. A woman offered to help me, she carried the bag and closed my car door. I thanked her and sat with Henry in a booth, she sat across from me to introduce herself.
"I'm Mary-Margaret Nolan, it's nice to me you. I nodded taking Henry out of his seat and holding him in my arms. "I'm Emma Swan and this is Henry." She awed taking his little hand as he squeezed her finger. "Well I better go ask the manager for a room for me and Henry I'll see you around town mo.. I mean Mary-Margaret." Shit I almost called her mom, she looks so much like me from the green eyes to the pale skin. "Nonsense you can come stay with my husband David and I he won't mind besides I'll be happy to help you and this precious little baby." I told her it wasn't necessary but she gave me no choice, one the bright side if I lived with her there's a better chance of breaking the curse. While we walked to her house we ran into the mayor the one person I thought I could avoid she's the one who cast the dumb curse. "Hello Mrs. Nolan, it seems you acquired new people in town." She nodded looking down I understand why my mom would be afraid of the person who spend half her life chasing after my mom. "I'm Emma Swan and this is my son Henry we just moved her. Mary-Margaret was showing us around." She looked up and down at me judging the fact that I looked too young to be a mother. "May I ask how old are you?"
"18 madame mayor I really must be going Henry needs his nap." I walked away Mary-Margaret following me I watched as Regina stomped across the street to a place called Mr. Gold's Pawnshop. I arrived at my moms house, she showed me the extra room and told me she'd take me shopping for a crib later I told her that my was in my car which is still parked at Granny's. "Can you watch Henry while I go get my car? I'll be back as soon as I can." She nodded taking him from me and bouncing him up and down. I walked granny's enjoying the change of scenery the streets weren't crowded it was a quiet and peaceful town. Of course I wasn't paying attention and I walked right into Madame Mayor, I didn't make eye contact so she couldn't see the resemblance between me and my mother. "We keeping running into each other don't we Ms. Swan." She said with a laugh I chuckled and tried to continue walking but she stopped me. "Let's make one thing clear I know why you are here and you won't succeed." I pretend like I didn't know what she was talking about. "What are you talking about? I drove all night until I found a town far enough way so my sons dad couldn't find us. I don't know what you think I'm doing but I'm just here for a second chance." I knew she would feel bad because this curse was her second chance to ruin my mother's life but she had no idea what was coming. "Playing games I see well I guess I'll find out!" She gave a manically laugh and walked away, I got in my bug and took a deep breathe she's a piece of work I don't know how my mom ran from her. I drove back to my beautiful baby boy, there was a sheriff car parked outside I rushed in thinking something was wrong with my son. "Henry?" I yelled waking him up from Mary-Margaret's arms, "Emma he's okay what's wrong?" I caught my breathe relieved that he was okay I thought his father had showed up. "I saw the sheriffs car and thought something happened!" I said wiping the tears as she handed me Henry. "That's just my husband David's car here come meet him."
"I'm David Nolan nice to meet you Henry is a wonderful baby." I thanked him and sat on the couch with Henry and Mary-Margaret, she looked so much like me and I see where I get my blonde hair from. David has blonde hair, I could look at them all day but I figured it get weird. "I'm going to build Henry's crib upstairs do you have any tools I could borrow?" I asked, David handed me what I needed. "I can help you if you'd like?" I nodded this was my chance to find a way to make him remember, I put Henry in his car seat for now until his bed was built. "Emma this may sound weird but have we met before?" I looked at him he recognized me from someone where probably when he put me in a magical wardrobe after I was born. "I don't think so unless you've been to New York!" He shook his head and finished build the crib I thanked him as I laid Henry down in it, "Can I ask you a question?" He nodded, "Regina why is everyone so afraid of her?"
"Regina has so much power in this town she just has that fire that makes her fearable." She only got that power from the curse and if anyone can help me break it, it would be Rumplestiltskin or Mr. Gold. After Regina found me the first time she rushed to his shop it wasn't that hard to put the pieces together.

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