Spiralling Downwards

Start from the beginning

"The mask, the mask," are the only words he can force out as he covers his eyes with his hands. Tony's body shifts, but then he says,

"I can't reach it. I'm going to have to get up, but I'll be quick." Peter slightly nods, just wanting the mask as fast as possible. However, when Tony gets up, Peter's body feels cold again. That isn't the worst part, though. Tony's sleeve and chest leave his ears, causing a bombardment of clanking and whizzing from around the workshop to slam into his eardrums all at once. Peter holds back a scream by biting his cheeks and curling into a ball on his side. A soft fabric brushes against the back of his hand and he grips onto it as Tony leans his back against a metal desk. Peter quickly pulls the mask onto his head and the majority of his senses are immediately lowered. The once ear piercing noises are dulled to be manageable and the amount of light the mask lets in is reduced to almost zero. Overstimulation hasn't bothered him that much since his first week following the spider bite. He takes in a long, shaky breath in an attempt to calm his trembling body.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Peter's voice isn't much above a whisper, but it isn't meant for anyone besides himself anyways.

"I'm going to have you spend the night here," Tony insists after a few minutes of Peter whispering encouraging words to himself. Peter looks up at him, his words not quite registering.

"What? But why? I can, I can have May pick me up. It's not a problem, Mr.-"

"Oh don't even start with me kid," Tony interrupts, his voice shifting from patient to dead serious. "This is definitely a problem. In fact, when you have an panic attack in my tower it becomes my problem. Who the hell am I kidding, you're already my problem. Keep pulling these stunts and you'll drive me to an earlier grave. Christ, I sound like my father." Peter can't help but smile to himself, grateful that Tony can't see it. He hasn't heard Tony ramble like this before and it's kind of comforting to see the human side of him come out. Then, Peter's mind goes over what he said again.

"Panic attack...? I know what they are but, but that couldn't have been one. They're caused by, by traumatic stuff right? Like, when someone close to you dies or..." Peter searches his brain for other possible reasons, but it isn't cooperating. The only experience he has ever had with panic attacks was when May would get them after Uncle Ben died.

"Or when you almost die. Anything traumatic can trigger them, it isn't only monumental things. In fact, trauma doesn't always cause them either," Tony informs. "What happened last night, however, that can definitely cause them." His voice is calm and soft, since he's slightly cautious about triggering another response from Peter.

"It wasn't the first time..." Peter whispers. It sends shivers up his spine. He doesn't want to worry Tony, but he just can't hold it in anymore. Harboring the memory alone is too heavy and he needs to have somebody else who knows. He thought he could, but he can't do it alone anymore.

"What?" Tony asks incredulously, but Peter frantically shakes his head. Peter wants him to know, but for him to talk about it right after what just happened? When all that caused him to spiral down was a few words? It's just not the right time. "Alright, we'll talk about it later. Why don't you stay for the weekend? We'll work everything out and have some superhero bonding time." Peter can tell he's desperately trying to lighten the mood, so he doesn't oppose.

"I'm gonna call May to let her know." His voice is raspy and it takes every ounce of his energy just to speak.

"Alright, Underoos." Tony offers a slight smile before helping Peter stand and awkwardly guiding him over to one of the couches. He gives Peter some privacy by cleaning up some tools in the corner. As soon as Peter gathers the courage to call May, he speaks up.

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