Deadly Games

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For a moment the men just stared, then the one in charge grinned, stalking closer. His eyes roved her up and down, hungrily, haughtily.

"Well well well, what have we got here?" His predatory gaze fixed chillingly to her face. "A woman who likes to climb trees."

"And play games," she reminded him sweetly, as though asking for more ice in her tea. "Do you like to play?"

"Sure we do," his grin widened at her lack of fear. "Don't we boys?"

A chorus of agreement rose from the men, who had subtly shifted to form a half circle around their prey. She seemed to have not noticed.

"Good." Lifting a hand, she pointed to the Scavenger farthest to her left without taking her eyes off the group leader. "I want him."

A ripple of surprise went through them at the sudden shift in her, the man in front beginning to frown. Something about her began to strike him as odd...dangerous.

"Why him?"

"Because he is the biggest of you. Statistically, if I break him, the rest of you will retreat to regroup."

"Break-?" Taking a step back, the leader pointed a finger at her. "Boys, we got us a problem. Fix it!"

They closed in, then rushed forward, but Echo was already in motion. Her hands flashed, catching hold of the man she'd pointed at. Folding her arms around his neck, she spun, whipping him up off the ground, long legs and boots knocking over his companions. Slamming him to the earth, on one knee, she twisted sharply, the snap loud in the sudden stillness. The Scavenger went limp, sagging in the grass as she dropped him.

Abruptly grabbed from behind, Echo's feet left the ground but instead of panicking, she went with it, throwing her weight backwards. The Scavenger hit the ground under her, immobilized by a violent,  strategic shot to the head by her elbow. The remaining men jumped on her, wrestling her to the ground but before Greer could move a dim pulse of blue light flashed inside the writhing huddle. Instant stillness followed as Echo climbed free of the limp bodies.

Chin down, eyes fixed to the leader, who stood slack jawed, staring, she gave him a Cheshire grin.

"Do you still want to play?"

Alarm filled his eyes, but instead of attacking he rapidly back up, lifting a satellite communicator from his jacket pocket to his mouth.

"I've got a droid! Female, black-"

Her hand wrapped around his before he'd realized she'd moved, twisting his arm up and behind his back. A ragged scream followed the popping sound of his shoulder, the transmitter falling to the ground. Echo grabbed him by the neck, lifting him from the earth as her fingers tightened.

"Stop!" Greer was out of the tree, running toward them. "Stop!"

"Dad!" Kai was not far behind, his features pale.

"Stay back!" Whipping up his hand, Rhaner picked up the communicator with the other, watching the android. "Put him down, Echo!"

"He is a valid threat, Greer."

"Put him down. You said you could neutralize without fatality, remember?"

"That is true, yet when I made that statement you neither confirmed or denied it, leaving me to determine the best course of action. This man is connected to the organization trying to destroy you. Why should he be allowed to live?"

"Because I'm asking." Coming cautiously close enough to put his hand on her arm, he looked at her. "You've already killed the others. That's enough."

Her fingers squeezed hard before abruptly letting go, dropping the leader unceremoniously to the dirt, where he coughed and choked on the air he sucked into his lungs. Greer knelt next to him.

"Who's paying you?"

His answer was an ugly glare as the man rubbed his throat gingerly, slowly sitting up.

"Who did you try to contact?"

Silence. Rhaner glanced at Echo then at his son, who had come down from the tree, approaching warily. His choices were limited. A piercing glance went back to the leader of the Scavenger group.

"You try to follow us, you die."

"Some threat," he responded hoarsely. "You need a bot to protect you."

Suddenly angry, Greer lashed out, his fist connecting solidly with the man's jaw, cracking his head back and to the side. He fell without a sound, hitting the grass on his back where he lay unmoving, unconscious.

"Dad!" Kai rushed up, eyes wide. Awe gleamed in them. "That was awesome!"

"It wasn't-"

"It was." Echo's voice made them both look at her. The robot was standing with her hands down at her sides, a faint, warm expression on her face. Vibrant blue eyes were on Rhaner. "Your assault was both forceful and unanticipated, therefore highly effective."

"Okay, enough." His pulse spiked a little at the unexpected compliment. "Let's get moving before others decide to come see why their buddies don't answer."

He started to put the communicator in his pocket, then stopped, holding it out to Echo.

"Can you tell if this thing has a tracking signal implanted in it?"

She blinked once.

"It does not."

"Perfect." Tucking it behind his belt, Rhaner grinned. "We've just gained some ground."

Sunset came before they made the river, so the trio found a sheltered place to make dry camp for the night. The Rhaner's ate a meager meal of ripe berries and edible plants, neither satisfied. Kai curled up at the base of a tree trunk, falling asleep quickly, worn out. Greer settled across from Echo, looking at her in the gathering twilight. Her eyes glowed.

"What is it, Greer?"

"Reapers want us bad, so bad they've trusted Scavengers with any form of tech. It's worse than I thought, worse than I ever imagined. That means the city won't be safe. Anyone we meet will probably be on the Reapers payroll to turn us in, or capture us. Dead or alive."

"That is a logical assumption, Greer."

He swore under his breath, running a hand through his hair.

"Are you frightened?"

"What? No," half laughing, he glanced at his son, lowering his voice. "I used to make a living on barely surviving dangerous situations, but...I'm not alone anymore. Kai... he's the world to me. I can't let anything bad happen to him."

"You are not alone anymore, Greer Rhaner." Pushing gracefully to her feet, Echo moved toward him, holding out her hand. Her fingers wrapped around his, pulling him to his feet.

"I am here with you...I am for you. Nothing bad will happen to you or Kai Rhaner." Moving to stand against him, she felt his heartbeat pick up, sensing his change in body chemistry. A hand slid up his chest, fingertips caressing his neck as they nestled into the hair at the base of his neck. Her eyes had not left his.

"Do you trust me, Greer?"

The edge of her lips brushed across his as she spoke, close enough to feel her breath- if she'd had any.

"I do." Frowning a little, feeling her lean in, Rhaner let her mouth gently push against his. That she was warm surprised him, as did the increased pulse of her heart- well, whatever it was. Their kiss deepened, her form molding perfectly to his, his arms sliding around her waist. The touch of her fingers against his skin broke the spell, and Greer uneasily pushed away, swallowing hard.

"'s...I don't're not real, Echo. This isn't real."

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