Secret Agendas

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"Don't say it, Howard." She was angry, arms crossed tightly, facing away from him.

"You know this isn't on purpose. It comes with the office."

"Of course," sarcasm laced her frigid tone. "Married when elected, single when released. Isn't that the motto of this place?"


"Don't you dare take that tone with me, Howard!" Whirling on him, her features tightened in fury. "I am not some naïve simpleton that slurps up whatever lie happens to spill out of your mouth! You're having an affair with her! I don't care if that call was legitimate or not! As long as that hussy is going to be there it's not okay!"

Howard Wagner regarded his wife solemnly, then abruptly shrugged. All tension had drained from his features. He dared to smile at her, albeit halfheartedly.

"If that's how you really feel, Vera, then there's nothing I can do about it. Presidential staff is appointed by the Cabinet, not me. I can't fire her, not even if I wanted to."

"Would you?" For a split second, tender hope flashed in her eyes. "If you could, would Elsa French be out of a job in the morning?"

"Does it really matter, Vera?"

Icy tension filled the space between them, and her slender shoulders stiffened, nostrils flaring as he picked up his coat, putting it on. Without a backward glance he left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"No..." she spoke to the empty air, tears of anger in her eyes. "I guess it doesn't."

For a moment she stood motionless, then spinning on her toes strode to the suite phone, snatching it off the cradle.

"Secure outside line, authorization Victor Whiskey, 448725." Tapping her fingernail impatiently, she waited for the line to clear then rapidly dialed a series of numbers.


"It's me." Her voice was tight, nerves making it hard to breathe but she barreled on before losing her nerve. "We need to meet."

"Are you alright?"

"I'll tell you everything when I see you. Can we meet?"


"Now, tonight."

"Uh, yeah, yeah of course. My place?"

"No...somewhere more, secure."

"Okay," he sounded reluctant now, but Vera knew it was because he was concerned. "The lab. Just come up to the side door. I'll be waiting."

"Twenty-five minutes?"


"Thank you," she was breathing again, slightly more in control of herself. "Thank you, Lewis. See you soon."

No one questioned her as she left the presidential suite and strode purposefully down the hallway. A security detail fell discreetly in step behind as she left the main building and walked across the paved stone pathway to a smaller structure. Inside, she paused at one of the doors, waiting for the body guards to catch up. Her expression was stiff as she met the leader's gaze.

"I do not wish to be disturbed. Stay out here if you must, but do not, under any circumstances, knock on this door."

"Yes ma'am."

Nodding curtly, she slipped inside and closing the door, quietly moved the lock into place. Picking up a chair, she braced it under the handle just in case, then walked over to the closet, stepping inside. The back wall slid open, revealing a musty set of stone steps leading under the outside pavilion. It was an emergency escape route for the president, used frequently once upon a time, but now quite forgotten. Moving into the dark, Vera kept her steps light, even, leaving the privileged, confining world of politics behind. She had just over fifteen minutes to get to her meeting with Lewis, and she didn't want to waste time.

He was waiting as he said he would be. As soon as the door closed behind her, leaving them in the privacy of his dark lab, Vera threw her arms around his neck, dragging his lips to her. Their kiss was passionate, but he broke it off, backing away. Her hands were clutched tightly in his.

"That's not what you came here for, Vera. What's the matter? I could hear it in your voice."

"It's Howard-"

"Vera, you know I can't interfere in your marriage. He's the president."

"I'm not asking for you to do anything, exactly. I only need your help, if your prototype is working."

"The prototype? Sure," tugging gently at her hand, Lewis led her through the lab to another door, ushering her in first. The light snapped on automatically, revealing gleaming white and stainless-steel surface. In the center, mostly wires and circuitry, was an android.

"It's an Echo Class, Vera, Series Five. If I've done my research right, this one will change the way the world views robotics."

Vera studied it closely.

"It is female?"

"Yes. Alpha through Delta were male forms, so I thought changing it up a little would be interesting for the public."

"And you?"

"You know I like real women, Vera- well, one, anyway."

"Will you help me, Lewis?" Turning to face him, Vera put her hand on the scientist's cheek, watching his pupils constrict slightly at the contact. They'd been in love for years, but had never seriously done anything about it, her marriage always taking precedence. Now she was rethinking the entire arrangement.

"Why don't you tell me exactly what's wrong, and I'll do everything I can."

"You'll think I'm crazy, but you have to listen to everything I have to say. Promise."


"Promise me."

"Alright," his smile was achingly tender as he drew her to him, grinning. "I promise. What is this all about?"

"Howard's having an affair with his secretary, and I'm sick of being his trophy wife." They fell like shattered glass in the silence of the room. "I want out but he'll never let me divorce him, not now."

"So, what do you want me to do, Vera? I can't make the President divorce you."

"No, but you can help me get away from him."

"He'll find you," Lewis tried to move away but her arms tightened around him.

"Not if he doesn't think I'm missing."

"What are you suggesting?"

Her eyes slid to the shape of the motionless android in the center of the room, and he started shaking his head.

"It won't work! It's crazy!"

"You are a genius, Lewis. You can take that empty shell of a machine and make everyone think it's me...if I help you."

"That's not why I built it Vera-!"

"She can help us be together." Vera's mouth edged closer to his, her eyes beguiling. "You want us to be together, don't you? This is how we can do that."

"But to replace you with a robot? It won't last, she wasn't designed to replicate a specific person, only simulate a generic female, to adapt in generic ways to her Owner's preferences. To do anything more specific would be a technological miracle. "

"Lewis," her lips brushed the corner of his mouth. "Please help me. I want to be with you. Please,"

His arms slid around her waist, pulling her against his chest as he kissed her back. Good judgment surrendered to desire, and he finally pulled away, nodding.

"I'll have to make some major modifications, add subroutines that will imprint and mimic your personality, an entire new and separate data stream to process and store will take time."

"How much time?"

"A few months? Maybe more."

"I can wait that long," her smile was triumphant, glowing as she kissed him again. The thrill of victory swept through her. Revenge was so close.

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