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As soon as I heard those words leave his mouth, I immediately kneed him in the crotch out of reflex before shoving him aside as I said, " Fuck off dumb hoe. If you think you can get to me that easily then I have no idea where the real Yoongi is. "

He groaned and stumbled to the floor while I simply walked right past him and hopped onto my bed. Pulling my phone out, I began playing some games while Yoongi had seemed to be lost in thought as he walked out of the room.

After playing around on my phone for half an hour, I began to die of boredom and tossed my phone aside before rolling onto my back and stretching my back as if I were a cat. I heard the door to the room open which caused me to sigh before I sat up and turned to the door.

However, instead of seeing a returning Yoongi, I saw a fist flying to my face. I quickly ducked out of the way and rolled off of the bed before kicking the person's feet out from underneath them. There was a loud thud as the person fell and before they could do any more, I quickly gave a hard blow to the temple which seemed to have dazed the person.

I quickly punched them again before they had passed out. As soon as I stood up, the lights flickered on and I looked up to meet the eyes of a bitch that I was itching to pounce. She stepped out of the doorway before about ten bulky men strode inside.

They were all quick to hold me back tightly in case I fought back but I didn't even wanna bother anymore. The bitch walked up to me and watched me in disgust before she slapped me with her manicured hand. I simply just rolled my eyes at her big ego but smirked when the man on the floor slowly began to awaken.

After seeing her husband, Yoongi's mother gasped and rushed over to help him up. Both turned to me before the bitch said, " I'll make a deal with you. " I couldn't help but scoff at her words as she then stalked back over to me. I lifted my brow at her to continue and with a sigh she then said, " I will help you pay for college and any other fees and taxes if you leave this place and leave my son alone. "

I thought about her words before I shrugged and simply said, " Okay, deal. But only if you don't go ahead and be one of those bitchy moms that tell their sons that their girlfriend ran away because they didn't love them and all that other dumb shit. "

I could see how frustrated she was getting but with a groan she let out a huff and agreed. I nodded with a smirk before I was released from the me 's grasps. I grabbed a backpack and tossed some clothes inside before then grabbing my toothbrush, comb, phone, and phone charger.

The bitch handed me a large wad of cash and I quickly shoved that inside my bag before I slipped on my shoes and made my way outside the college. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Yoongi being a crying mess but then again I highly doubted that he'd actually care.

With a shrug, I walked away from the college and soon enough out the front gates by slipping through the space between the two metal pieces. I continued on my way and already knew exactly where I was going. Making my way down the street, I walked to the adoption center that I had noticed ever since I had driven past it on the way to the college.

I quietly knocked on the door but seeing that the door was already open, I quietly opened it and entered the rugged looking building. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness before I made my way over to the front counter and then behind it and turned on the computer.

After finding the file I was looking for, I opened it and deposited all of the money I had been given into the account. Once seeing that the transaction was successful, I took out all the money and placed it under the paperweight that had been placed on the counter.

I then grabbed a small piece of paper and a pen before writing a quick note and sticking it onto the wad of cash. Once I had finished, I exited the files, cleared the history, and turned off the computer after erasing the video recording from the single camera in the corner of the room.

I then carefully tried to make my way out of the building when suddenly, small pattering footsteps could be heard from down the hall. My heart skipped a beat as I saw a small little boy dressed in big tattered clothes while he hugged a teddy bear that was also tattered.

I couldn't help but coo quietly at the sight of the young child as he rubbed at his eyes. He then looked right up at me and locked eyes with me before his innocent voice asked, " Noona, what are you doing? It's bed time now. "

I couldn't help the smile that spread my face before I slowly walked over to him, kneeled down to his height, and then said, " Noona was giving a big present to all of the children in here before you caught me. "

The little boy gasped in delight but I quietly shushed him before I then asked, " Can you keep it as a secret for Noona? " He nodded quickly and I giggled quietly before I picked him up in my arms and said, " How about we go back to sleep hm? "

The little boy nodded while yawning before he suddenly said, " My name is Jaehyung. What's yours Noona? " I giggled and followed the directions he pointed to before I then said, " My name is Y/n Jaehyung but can you keep it as a secret for Noona? "

He nodded before pointing to an empty bed near the end of the rows of peacefully sleeping children. I placed him down on the small bed and winced slightly at the loud creak of the bed. I then tucked him in nicely before giving him a small kiss on his forehead and watched as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Before realizing, I had also begun to nod to and fro out of exhaustion before I then fell asleep sitting next to Jaehyung's bed.

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